
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Machine Learning Test

Hi all this a machine learning test for grokvideo.ai. Please answer the questions by git commit-ing your answers separately. We would test your knowledge on

  • Git
  • machine learning tools
  • problem solving (algorithmics)

These are mostly neglected skills that are not taught at schools. We would love to know your ability to take on learning or using them.


  1. Write an algorithm to solve matrix multiplication using numpy
  2. Commit your result in a file named matmul.py in this directory

Machine Learning Tools

  1. Install Pytorch on your machine using
conda install pytorch==1.2.0 torchvision==0.4.0 -c pytorch

or follow the instructions here https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/ according to your OS.

  1. Write a logistic regression algorithm using Pytorch
  2. Write a 3 layered MLP using Pytorch to classify MNIST digits
  3. Try writing a dataloader that loads 256x256 images in a folder. Just give 2 images for example.
  4. Try doing number 4 but for Imagenet

Problem Solving

  1. Try doing matrix multiplication that doesn't use numpy and just arrays.
  2. What is the lower bound of matrix multiplication? (optional)

You should commit your files using the naming part_number.py so for example you are solving Git for problem number 2 you name the file git_2.py. We also would love to see a long git message.

Advanced Deep Learning (a plus)

  1. Write an autoencoder that takes a MFCC from an audio input (.flac or .mp3) and training it by minimizing the reconstruction loss?
  2. How can you reconstruct an audio from an MFCC? What algorithm is used?
  3. Write a Detectron algorithm for scene and object detection.

You should commit your files using the naming part_number.py so for example you are solving Git for problem number 2 you name the file git_2.py. We also would love to see a long git message.

Good luck! Bonne chance!