Insert export ERL_AFLAGS="-kernel shell_history enabled" into your .bash_rc (or similar) to enable session-spanning iex command history

Windows with WSL2: To access the Phoenix server get the WSL2 ip via wsl hostname -I and use that instead of localhost or setup port forwarding in the browser

ueberauth_callback for success: %Ueberauth.Auth{ credentials: %Ueberauth.Auth.Credentials{ expires: true, expires_at: 1616943300, other: %{}, refresh_token: nil, scopes: [" openid"], secret: nil, token: "SUPERLONGTOKENSTRING", token_type: "Bearer" }, extra: %Ueberauth.Auth.Extra{ raw_info: %{ token: %OAuth2.AccessToken{ access_token: "SUPERLONGTOKENSTRING", expires_at: 1616943300, other_params: %{ "id_token" => "SUPERSUPERLONGTOKENSTRING", "scope" => " openid" }, refresh_token: nil, token_type: "Bearer" }, user: %{ "email" => "", "email_verified" => true, "picture" => "", "sub" => "114909616228486575241" } } }, info: %Ueberauth.Auth.Info{ birthday: nil, description: nil, email: "", first_name: nil, image: "", last_name: nil, location: nil, name: nil, nickname: nil, phone: nil, urls: %{profile: nil, website: nil} }, provider: :google, strategy: Ueberauth.Strategy.Google, uid: "114909616228486575241" }

Google Fit API Request example: URL: Request Body: { "aggregateBy": [{ "dataTypeName": "", "dataSourceId": "" }], "bucketByTime": { "durationMillis": 86400000 }, "startTimeMillis": 1616194800000, "endTimeMillis": 1616713200000 }

Result Example: { "bucket": [ {"startTimeMillis": "1616281200000", "endTimeMillis": "1616367600000", "dataset": [ { "dataSourceId": "", "point": [ { "startTimeNanos": "1616339220000000000", "originDataSourceId": " - step count", "endTimeNanos": "1616341620000000000", "value": [ { "mapVal": [], "intVal": 4772 } ], "dataTypeName": "" } ] } ] } ]}