
A simple example showing how to access the Twitter Streaming API using OAuth. Now updated to be SSL only.

Primary LanguagePython


Download the Python dependencies

  • Make sure you have the Python dev headers on your platform (I already had these on OSX)

    sudo apt-get install python2.7-dev

  • Make sure you have pip installed on your platform

    sudo easy_install pip

  • Create a virtualenv for Python. Optional, but recommended step. See virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper for info on how to install these tools.

    mkvirtualenv twitter_stream_example --no-site-packages

  • Install the dependencies

      cd twitter-oauth-streaming
      pip install --requirement=requirements.txt

Register an application with Twitter

  • Register an application with Twitter here: https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new
  • Fill in your details. All details are mandatory.
  • Your website can be fictional, but it does require a http:// prefix. Make sure you select 'Client' as the application type. You only need Read-only permissions.
  • At the application settings page take note of your consumer key and consumer secret.
  • Add your consumer key and secret to the top of the twitter-oauth-streaming.py script. Search for 'CHANGEME'.

Running the script

  • Start the script

    python twitter-oauth-streaming.py

  • You should be prompted to authorize the script with Twitter. It should open a browser for you, but if not you can visit the url printed on the console.

  • Once you login to Twitter and authorize the application, you should see a Pin in the browser. This is out-of-band OAuth for Client applications like this, if it was a webapp, you would get a callback with the pin, so wouldnt need the next manual step.

  • Enter the pin onto the console.

  • Tweets should now be streaming out onto your console. Get down with your bad self!