
This repo contains the code to provision AWS resources that will run the Folding@Home client and contribute to science research such us finding a cure to covid-19.

Primary LanguageShell


Table of Contents

What does it do

In this repo you will find some python and Terraform code to create AWS resources (VPC and EC2 instances) in order to configure and run the Folding@Home project.

The configure python script will generate some Terraform and userdata code in order to:

  • Provision AWS resources
  • Create one or more EC2 instances
  • Install the Folding@Home app and configure it using the information you provided

At the end of the creation, you will have a VPC with subnets and EC2 instance(s). If you choose to, you will also be able to use Athena to discover the stats URLs for each of the EC2 instances you created.

Here is the AWS architecture of this project:

AWS diagram

This project uses

  • AWS VPC, IGW, EC2, Athena
  • Terraform
  • Amazon Linux 2 (latest)
  • Python 3
  • pyyaml

Get started

Configure the project

Use the provided config-example.yml as the template for your configuration.

cp config-example.yml my-config.yml

Edit your config file and edit the following lines:

Parameter Example Notes
aws_profile_name my-profile-name Your AWS profile name.
aws_s3_bucket_name your-bucket-name This bucket will hold the information of instances created that will be used by Athena so you can see the Folding@Home stats for each instance. Only needed if you set enabled_stats to true.
aws_s3_bucket_region us-east-1 Only needed if you set enabled_stats to true.
aws_region us-east-1 The region where you want your AWS resources to run.
aws_availability_zone_1 a AZ 1. I recommend you do not change this parameter.
aws_availability_zone_2 b AZ 2. I recommend you do not change this parameter.
aws_instance_type c4.4xlarge Select a GPU instances.
aws_ec2_instance_count 1 Number of instances you want to create. Use with caution.
aws_tag_fah Folding@Home-AWSResourceCreator This is the tag value that will be set with the resources created.
fah_user GustavoAguiar Your Folding@Home username.
fah_pass my-super-complex-password Your Folding@Home password.
fah_team_id 238681 Your Folding@Home team id. If you don't have one you can use Orange Nation's team, which is the one I use.
fah_webadmin_port 7396 The Folding@Home web port. I recommend not chaning this unless you understand what you are doing.
your_ip_address This is your IP that will be whitelisted to access the instances and stats.
enable_stats true If you wish to check the Folding@Home stats for each instance you create, set this to true otherwise, set false.

Install dependencies

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run the configure script

python3 configure.py my-config.yml


AWS Profile Name:  groorj-fah
AWS Region:  us-east-1
AWS EC2 Type:  c4.4xlarge
AWS S3 Bucker Name:  your-bucket-name
Folding@Home User:  GustavoAguiar
Folding@Home Team Id:  238681
Folding@Home Pass: my-super-complex-password
Whitelist IP Address:

This will create the terraform templates under the folder terraform/ and the userdata script under the bin/ folder. The generated files will use the values provided on the my-confif.yml file you created.


You will need Terraform so if you don't have it yet download from terraform.io.

How to use it

Run the Terraform code

cd terraform/
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply


Apply complete! Resources: 20 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


fah-instance-public-ip = [

Check the Folding@Home stats page

If you set enable_stats to true you can now access the Folding@Home EC2 instance status page by accessing the IP:PORT. Example:

Here is what the stats page looks like:

stats page "Folding@Home stats page"

SSH into your instance(s)

If you provided a ssh key you can now ssh using your instance's public IP. By default no SSH key was provided so use this at your own risk.

Clean up

  • Destroy all the created AWS resources (including the Folding@Home instances):
terraform destroy


Destroy complete! Resources: 20 destroyed.


Running this code will create AWS resources in your account that might not be included in the free tier. Use this code at your own risk.