
This repo contains the list of AWS services

MIT LicenseMIT


Table of Contents

What does it do

In this repo you will find a json file updated from time-to-time if the list of AWS Services.


You can find the raw file here:


This project uses

This project uses Python to scrape the AWS services page and generate a json file with the service name, the service category and a description.

You can find the AWS services page here: https://aws.amazon.com/products/


  • This repo does not contain the Python script that generates the json file.
  • I will do my best to keep the json file updated.
  • Use this code at your own risk. I am NOT responsable for it's usage and I CANNOT guarantee it will be updated or working as expected.
  • You can list AWS services using the API or the CLI but it is not guaranteed that all services will be listed.