An add-on to let you snooze your tabs for a while.
To develop:
npm start
- Builds the extension
- Starts a file watcher to rebuild on changes
- Launches Firefox Dev Edition with the extension, reloaded on changes
If youʼre on Windows, youʼll need to use
npm run start-win
- Builds the extension
- Starts a file watcher to rebuild on changes
To run once:
npm run build && npm run run
To build for release:
npm run build
To lint:
npm run lint
- At this link.
- Coming soon.
Should we write this as a WebExtension?
- YES!
Add a “Developer Mode” with much shorter times, or an extra 3-second timer?
We’ll need something to convert Pontoon-format l10n files into WebExtension l10n files…