
sharedoc aims to be a drupal installation profile for a single or a few persons structuring their personal documents and notes and sharing with a small group of people

So a few points of functionality are worth mention:

  • documents with metadata, files, images resizable, attachements and so on

  • access control, one time links for new people which are not registered yet

  • some tagging, categorizing, support for semantic

  • bulk upload

  • date field

== plans maybe

  • hierarchical select


drush make ... drush si sharedoc -y

  • enable os basic features

  • enable shreadoc features

  • import some views

  • enable some views

  • make public file location writable : chgrp www-data sites/default/files -R


  • Is it okay to let the install profile enable the libraries module?
  • mass field editing , better say: inline tag editing in content table