Later: Nondeterministically clear your TODO list (and free your mind)

This is just a fun little experiment to learn Go (and play with my favorite datastore, Redis).

Get reminded of a certain thought (or other string) at a random time in the next $DURATION.


Main Worker-Pool Manager Thread

  • Grab the next X tasks, based on timestamp (default=50): (ZRANGE/ZREVRANGE)
  • check if max number of worker goroutines are already running
    • bad case: max workers already running, and next task in pool is already in the past: LOG A WARNING
  • fire off worker goroutines to deal with the tasks in the "next x tasks" list
  • if next event time (in redis tasks sortedset) is in the future, sleep until $WAKEUP_BEFORE_SECONDS before that task timestamp (configurable): (time.Sleep(Time.Until($EVENT_TIME - $WAKEUP_BEFORE_SECONDS)))

Goroutine worker

  • do the event action
  • single Redis transaction?
    • delete (ZREM from tasks sorted set)
    • delete from taskdetails hashmap (HDEL)
    • delete from username_tasks list
  • if/when there's a webapp around this, update the task status in the webapp's RDBMS (postgres)

Various small stuff

  • fmt. to log.
  • how does that redis response value work? (*redis.IntCmd and
  • add error handling to the redis calls
  • read in schedulingTimerange from environment variables
  • read in redis host/user/pass from environment variables


  • email sending
  • SMS sending
  • web/API frontend, user registration, CRUD on tasks, see past tasks, etc.
  • iPhone app which uses the frontend API?


  • run on AWS
  • Frontend and backend go binaries designed to run separately, frontend hits backend via HTTP API
  • Nomad running binaries packaged into Alpine containers (or even running as raw_binary jobtype in Nomad!)
    • one or more of each container/binary (parallel processing against redis needs to be safe for this to work)
    • redis container with persistent volume
    • managed postgres instance or maybe just a container w/ persistent volume
  • Safe crash + restart behavior for data persistence (temp queues for in-flight work that get carefully flushed on startup?)


Get yourself a redis

docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redislabs/redismod

Run this thing

go run main.go


This is essentially a Redis-backed cron app. Here are the Redis primitives we'll be using:

Creating a task for a user

# `taskdetails`: Hash datatype to hold task info, namespaced under a random hash
HMSET $HASH username foo tasktype email msg hello

# `tasks`: Sorted set to hold task/timing info, key=timestamp

# `username_tasks` list, namespaced under the username