
Primary LanguageGo

s3n (Swiss Social Security Number)

s3n is a golang library to validate and format swiss social security numbers (aka. AVS in french and AHV in german).


To install s3n, use go get:

go get github.com/groovytron/s3n


// Validate a swiss social security number
valid := s3n.IsValid("756.1234.5678.97")

// Not dotted numbers are validated
valid := s3n.IsValid("7561234567897")

dotted, err := s3n.DottedFormat("7561234567897") // "7561234567897" => "756.1234.5678.97"
dotless, err := s3n.DotlessFormat("756.1234.5678.97") // "756.1234.5678.97" => "7561234567897"