This is a simple WinJS control to allow a twitter-style pull to refresh in a Windows Store WWA (e.g. HTML/CSS/JS) application.
The basic control is in Codevoid.Controls.Overscroll
, which you can just use in your HTML, after including Overscroll.js & Overscroll.css
You can use this in your mark up like so:
<div data-win-control="Codevoid.Controls.Overscroll">
<!-- your content -->
There are a number of configuration options you can set on the control through the data-win-options
This sets the interval for the mandatory snap point interval. See MSDN's documentation on -ms-scroll-snap-points-x for more details.
This is the string literal you would place in the snapInterval
{ snapInterval: "150px" }
This controls how far into the overscroll region (as a percentage of the whole overscoll area), ranging from 0 to 1.0 (0% to 100%)
{ refreshPercent: 0.5 } // 50%!
This is the query selector that is used to find where in the overscrol region the <progress />
element is for displaying the progress.
This element will have it's value
property set & controlled as part of othe overscroll
Overscroll is signified by the control instance itself raising an overscrolled
event, which can be listened to with addEventListener
on the control itself. ** This is not a DOM event **, it is a native JavaScript event provided by the WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin
When this event is raised, one should start their refresh work. When they're work is complete, calling resetOverscrollState
will return the UI back to the bottom of the overscroll area.
Example usage:
var scroller = document.getElementById("scroller").winControl;
scroller.addEventListener("overscrolled", function (e) {
WinJS.Promise.timeout(3000).done(function () {