This Application's goal is to be able to parse the information found in Rapla calendar and make it usable in a CalDav environment. It essentially consists out of two parts, a web scraper and a port for CalDav. The Parser can be used independently, however the CalDav port ist dependent on the previous component.
- To use the Application as a whole, two things need to be given, an object of the CalDavManager class, and an implementation of the CalDavCredentials interface
- CalDavCredentials: simply implemnet ways, to output the url of your CalDav instance (nextcloud), and it's login credentials (password, username)
public class MyCreds implements CalDavCredentials{ @Override public String getUrl() { return "some_url"; } @Override public String getServerUserName() { return "some_username"; } @Override public String getServerPassword() { return "some_password"; } }
- The CalDavManager just has to be initialized:
CalDavManager calDavManager = new CalDavManager(new CalDavClient(new MyCreds()));
- For exact details on how to use it, please look at the example in
- The Parser can be used independently of the rest of the application
- For an example of how to use it see "WebScraperExample" in
- Basic Usage:
- initialize the Scraper:
LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.of(2020, 11, 30); Scraper scraper = new Scraper(UrlBuilder.getUrl("20D", localDate));
- Get an ArrayList of LectureDays (a class containing all Lecture objects) call:
ArrayList<LectureDay> lectureDays = scraper.getLectureDaysFromPage();
- To get the Lecture objects from a LectureDay object, call
- The commonly used Lecture class has the following fields you can use:
- Time ~ Array with [0] being the start time and [1] being the end time
- Title ~ Sting
- Lecturer ~ String in last name, first name format