
A nice adventscalender

Primary LanguageJava

BPol Adventskalender


This Project represents an internal advent calendar of the German Bundespolizei. It's here to spread cheer and christmas joy, therefore be sure to have fun :D.

Development Guide

First off get the development database running by calling: docker-compose -f deployment/docker-compose-dev.yml up -d.

Then make sure you have all envfiles while running the spring boot application. This can be done through run configurations in your respective IDE or on unix systems by calling: export $(cat deployment/config.env | xargs). All .env files can be found under deployment.

Deployment Guide


Build the jar locally with mvn package.

Then get the container running with docker-compose -f deployment/docker-compose.yml up

In a production environment, obviously change config.env to use private passwords.


Build the docker image locally (or push it to a private repository): docker build -f deployment/Dockerfile -t bpol_advent .

Then apply both configs, with the secrets first (of which you also changed the passwords): kubectl apply -f deployment/kubernetes-secret.yml && kubectl apply -f deployment/kubernetes.yml.

If you wish to use the ingress deployment yourself, it would probably be best to alter domain name and certificate resolvers to the ones you wish to use in your environment.