
A curated list of awesome functional programming stuff in js

Awesome FP JS Awesome

A curated list of awesome functional programming stuff in js

Inspired by the awesome list thing.


  • ramda - A practical functional library for Javascript programmers. Favoring Curry
  • folktalejs - Folktale is a suite of libraries for generic functional programming.
  • lodash-fp - lodash with auto-curried iteratee-first methods.
  • Sanctuary - Sanctuary makes it possible to write safe code without null checks.
  • 101 - A modern JS utility library
  • 1-Liners - A utility library build from 1-liner functions
  • bilby.js - Serious functional programming library for JavaScript
  • underscore.string.fp - Wrapper for underscore.string with auto-curry
  • curry-this - Curry your functions using function bind syntax.
  • fn-curry - A simple function to curry a function
  • immutable - Immutable persistent data collections
  • mori - A simple bridge to ClojureScript's persistent data structures
  • functionize - A collection of functions which aids in making non-functional libraries functional.
  • fp-js - A collection of functional javascript modules, writing in ES6.
  • fp-dom - Making DOM functional ;)!
  • fnuc - a functional library for coffeescript (and javascript)
  • trifl - trifling functional views
  • funcy - An experiment in adding functional pattern matching to JavaScript
  • functionaljs - A functional js library that facilitates currying and point-free / tacit programming
  • _part_ - Makes native methods available as partially applied functions.
  • compose-function - Compose new functions.
  • lambdajs - The full ECMAScript API done a functional way.
  • date-fp - FP date manipulation library
  • barely-functional - tiny (2.7kb) functional programming library using native es5/6 operations
  • daggy - Library for creating tagged constructors.


  • lenses - Composable kmett style lenses
  • optics - profunctor optics (Lens, Prism, iso)
  • ramda-lens - 🐏 🔎 Lens library built on ramda
  • fantasy-lenses - Composable, immutable getters and setters. (profunctor lenses WIP)
  • nanoscope - Lenses with dotty support


Functional Languages that Compile to JavaScript

  • ClojureScript - compiles Clojure, a hosted LISP with immutable data structures, to JavaScript
  • Elm - type-safe functional programming language for declaratively creating web browser-based graphical user interfaces, implemented in Haskell
  • Purescript - a small strongly typed programming language that compiles to JavaScript
  • ElixirScript


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⭐ Suggestions and PRs are welcome! ⭐



To the extent possible under law, Christoph Hermann has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.