
Minitest + all the features you always wanted.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Minitest + all the features you always wanted. CI Gem Version



  • Ctrl+c stops tests and prints failures
  • pastable rerun snippet for failures (disabled/integrated on rails 5)
  • multiple before & after blocks
  • before :all blocks
  • around blocks around { |t| Dir.chdir(...) { t.call } }
  • red-green output (disabled/integrated on rails 5)
  • mtest executable to run by line number and by folder (disabled/integrated on rails 5)
  • full backtrace for errors and assertions with verbose (-v)
  • let!
  • let_all execute once for all tests in a class and it's subclasses
  • order_dependent! to make your tests run in given order
  • Maxitest.static_class_order = true no longer sort tests class/sub-classes in random order
  • context for more expression
  • pending { assert false } is skip when it fails, but fails when it passes
  • implicit subject via require 'maxitest/implicit_subject'
  • xit to skip test (also does not call setup or teardown)
  • with_env to change environment variables during test run
  • capture_stdout and capture_stderr to capture stdout or stderr but not both (like capture_io does)
  • require 'maxitest/timeout' to make hanging tests fail after Maxitest.timeout seconds
  • require 'maxitest/threads' fail tests that leave extra threads running
  • require 'maxitest/global_must' (before autorun) disable deprecation on global must_* or global_expectations gem


gem install maxitest


require "maxitest/autorun"

# ... normal minitest tests ...
describe MyClass do
  describe "#my_method" do
    it "passes" do
      _(MyClass.new.my_method).must_equal 1


  • pending "need to fix" do to show why something is pending
  • pending "need to fix", if: ENV["CI"] do to only skip on CI (if something is supposed to work locally)


Use during test: with_env FOO: "bar do ... Use as around block: with_env FOO: "bar"


Use as alias for describe

describe "#my_method" do
  context "with bad state" do
    before { errors += 1 }
    it "fails" # ...

capture_stdout / capture_stderr

output = capture_stdout { puts 1 }
_(output).must_equal "1\n"


  • everything vendored into 1 gem to avoid dependency madness
  • tested via rspec to avoid messing up our own tests by accident
  • fixes should go back to the original libraries
  • restrictive minitest dependency so nothing breaks by accident
  • ruby >=3.0
  • rake bundle to update all vendored gems


Michael Grosser
License: MIT