
eBook: Programming Pearls Rewritten in Ruby

Primary LanguageRuby

This is my attempt to solve any ruby-solvable problem of programming pearl in as few, understandable, readable, max 120 character long lines of ruby (with emphasis on understandable and not 1-line-magic...)

Read it - Print it!

Download as PDF: output/output.pdf or as HTML: in output/output.zip, enjoy!


Not all chapters are complete, some problems are unsolved, some code surely can be simplified.


  • columns go into lib, each column has many tasks -> 1.rb, 2.rb
  • no STDIN since that would complicate running the task


  • there are some chapters missing
  • add cover image (ruby necklace?)
  • syntax highlighting (with js?)
  • add statistics: how does readable code compare to wtf-code


Michael Grosser
Hereby placed under public domain, do what you want, just do not hold me accountable...