
WWTD: Travis simulator - faster + no more waiting for build emails

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

WWTD: Travis simulator Build Status

Reads your .travis.yml and runs what Travis would run (using rvm, rbenv, or chruby). No more waiting for build emails!



gem install wwtd

(bracelets sold separately)


wwtd                # Run all gemfiles with all Ruby versions
wwtd --local        # Run all gemfiles with current Ruby version => get rid of Appraisal gem!
wwtd --ignore env   # Ignore env settings
wwtd --use install  # Use dangerous travis fields like before_install/install/before_script/...
wwtd --parallel 2   # Run in parallel
wwtd --only-bundle  # Bundle all gemfiles
wwtd --help         # Display help, and learn about other options
wwtd --version      # Display version


require 'wwtd/tasks'
rake wwtd         # Run all gemfiles with all Ruby versions
rake wwtd:local   # Run all gemfiles with current Ruby version => get rid of Appraisal gem!
rake wwtd:bundle  # Bundle all gemfiles


  • ./vendor/bundle is created if you have committed a lock file. Add the lock file to .gitignore, or better yet to your global .gitignore.
  • If you do not want --deployment but do want a lock file, add bundler_args: "" to your .travis.yml.


  • Might show errors that do not happen in serial builds
  • Runs number-of-processors builds in parallel
  • Runs each configuration in a separate process
  • Sets ENV["TEST_ENV_NUMBER"] (where 1 = "", 2 = "2", etc) so you can do db = "test#{ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']}"
wwtd --parallel  # same result, but number-of-processors faster :)


Run tests with:

bundle exec rake

The tests need different Ruby versions to be installed. If they do not run locally, you can use Vagrant instead:

vagrant up # it will take a while
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
bundle exec rake


Michael Grosser
License: MIT