Trades diary

Main Features

1. Trades logs

1.1. List of completed trades. You can trade keys (ingame items) on any other ingame item. When adding you can choose amount of traded keys, item which you got, it's price (it can dynamically change every moment of time). On the Trades page you'll see all your trades with such info: amount of used key, new traded item (with it's price, condition and background with its rarity), profit from trade and date. There are tooltips on hover on all the items (displaying Name of the item, Condition, Rarity type, Price). You can filter all the trades by pressing on any received item (will displayed trades only with that item).

Trades logs

1.2. Editing completed trade. While editing you can change received item, amount of your keys and profit from trade with Select2.

Edit trade

2. Sales (cards) logs

2.1. List of sold games cards You can filter all the trades by pressing on Game image (will displayed sales only with cards from that game).

Sales logs

3. Bonuses (other) logs

3.1. Other operations

Bonuses logs

4. List of used items

4.1. List of items, used in all trades Displaying how many times they were being used. They are divided by their prices on how many keys they worth.

List of used items

5. List of games

5.1. List of games with sold cards

List of games

6. User profile

6.1. User page with different stats: Most profitable trades, sales, bonuses.

User stats