Safe@Home: Hayti Sham

Quick Use

In order to run the app locally you need to have a running local Frontend in one terminal and a running local Backend in another terminal.

Start Local Frontend

Peer Dependencies

  • Node ^12
  • NPM ^6

First, install all Frontend dependencies:

npm install

Run in locally with webpack-dev-server (FE)

npm run start-dev

Start Local Server

Peer Dependencies

  • Python ^3
  • Pip ^3

prepare server env:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run server (BE):

python3 server/

If you are using python3, and you are getting 'moduleNotFound' error, please add PYTHONPATH as an env variable to your .env file or manually(preffered): (where <repo_path> is where your app is located locally).

From project path root directory run:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<repo path> && python3 server/

supported methods:

  • getAllData: returns all records as json.
  • getDataAfterDate: gets json with 'lastUpdate': , e.g.: '5/15/2020 15:04:02'. returns all records posted after lastUpdate as json.
  • Server is also serving files from '/' and redirecting to '/'.
  • A basic HTML template is being saved and served in server/templates
  • bundle.js and images are being saved in server/static

sample requests can be found under server/

Start Local API Server -- node js

  • Prerequisite
  • Install dependencies
cd server_api 
npm i
  • Runing the server
npm start
  • Runing the server for dev
npm start dev



This application is deployed using Heroku:

UI Mockups

Specified here, made by Lishay Noam: