Grouparoo App Examples

All the repositories linked here are automatically kept up-to-date with the latest releases of Grouparoo.

Configuration Examples

Examples configuring Grouparoo via Declarative Sync.

Connects a database with users and purchases to create properties. Creates a few groups from that data related to high value users. Syncs data with Mailchimp.

Connects to a remote CSV file to import Grouparoo profile data.

Use Grouparoo to connect Snowflake to Salesforce.

Integration Examples

Examples of using working with other platforms.

Shows how to use Grouparoo within a dbt project to sync data to destinations after using dbt to do the transformations.

Deployment Platform Examples

Before you deploy, it's important to understand Grouparoo's deployment topology, environment variables, and how to secure your Grouparoo cluster.

An example application deployed on Grouparoo Cloud, with configuration validation on pull requests and automatic deployment on merge to main.

An example application ready to deploy Grouparoo to Heroku. This repository also includes the code for the "Deploy to Heroku" Button.

An example application ready to deploy Grouparoo to Amazon Web Services (AWS) via Elastic Beanstalk & CodeDeploy.

An example application ready to deploy Grouparoo to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) via node.js.

This repository shares how to build your own Docker images for Grouparoo, and how to deploy it with either Docker Compose or Kubernetes.