
Scrapy project boilerplate done right

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a boilerplate for new Scrapy projects.

The project is a WIP, so expect major changes and additions (mostly latter). Master branch is to be considered as always ready to use, with major changes/features introduced in feature branches.


  • Python 3.11+
  • Poetry for dependency management
  • SQLAlchemy ORM with alembic migrations
  • RabbitMQ integrated via pika
  • configuration via ENV variables and/or .env file
  • single file for each class
  • Docker-ready (see here)
  • PM2-ready
  • supports single-IP/rotating proxy config out of the box (see here)


Python Quickstart Guide

To create and run a new Scrapy project using this boilerplate, you need to:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. cp .env.example .env
  3. No docker:
    1. Have the following prerequisites: python 3.11+, poetry, mysqlclient libraries, etc
    2. cd src/python/src
    3. poetry install
    4. poetry shell
    5. scrapy
  4. Docker:
    1. Have the following prerequisites: docker, docker-compose
    2. docker compose up -d database python
    3. docker compose exec python bash
    4. cd /var/app/python/src/
    5. poetry shell
    6. scrapy


The project includes Dockerfiles and docker-compose configuration for running your spiders in containers.

Also, a configuration for default RabbitMQ server is included.

Dockerfiles are located inside the docker subdirectory, and the docker-compose.yml - at the root of the project.

Docker-compose takes configuration values from ENV. Environment can also be provided by creating a .env file at the root of the project (see .env.example as a sample).

Proxy middleware

A scrapy downloader middleware to use a proxy server is included in src/middlewares/HttpProxyMiddleware.py and is enabled by default. You can use it by providing proxy endpoint with the env variable (or in the .env file) PROXY in the format host:port. Proxy authentication can also be provided in the PROXY_AUTH variable, using the format user:password. If provided, it is encoded as a Basic HTTP Auth and put into Proxy-Authorization header.

A single-endpoint proxy is used by default, assuming usage of rotating proxies service. If you want to provide your own list of proxies, an external package has to be used, as this use-case is not yet covered by this boilerplate.

File and folder structure

This boilerplate offers a more intuitive alternative to Scrapy's default project structure. Here, file/directory structure is more flattened and re-arranged a bit.

  • All scrapy-related code is placed directly in src/python/src subdirectory (without any subdirs with project name, contrary to default).
  • All scrapy classes (by default located in items.py, middlewares.py, pipelines.py) are converted to sub-modules, where each class is placed in its own separate file. Nothing else goes into those files.
  • Configs in scrapy.cfg and settings.py are edited to correspond with these changes.
  • Additional subdirectories are added to contain code, related to working with database (src/python/src/database), RabbitMQ (src/python/src/rmq)