
Game development for devoxx 2015

Primary LanguageJava


Game development for devoxx 2015. This is the main repository for the whole server code. Typically, you would want to grap the code and launch the server. To add an extension, you should not modify anything but the ext submodule.

1. Requirements

1.1 Sofwtares installed on your computer

1.2 Other prerequisites

A local git repository with a correct configuration (cf . documentation )

2. Install the server

The server for the game can run standalone. You can either run it using the built version or build yourself from sources.

2.a Download the built version

You can download the generated version from our Jenkins: survival-game.war.

NOTE: Please note that the domain jenkins.devoxx.sii.frpointes to our local machine where Jenkins is installed, you may not have access to it from outside our local network.

2.b Build yourself

Create a folder for your workspace. For instance devoxx-2015 and cd into it.

mkdir devoxx-2015 && cd $_

Grab the code

In order to get a clean local repository, you should type something similar to:

devoxx-2015> $ git clone https://github.com/groupe-sii/devoxx-2015-game-back

The server repo will be cloned in a folder devoxx-2015-game-back unless you give it another name.

Compile and install the server (once)

Our server comes with a spring-boot standalone integration. Spring-boot will just check for the server artifacts in your local maven repository. So you just need to type :

devoxx-2015/devoxx-2015-game-back> mvn clean install

3. Run the server

The WAR file only provides the logic of the game but not the extensions. You now need to get the sources of extensions and follow these instructions to build them.

The WAR can be run either in an existing web server or directly as Java application. The recommended way is to run as Java application.

3.a Running the downloaded WAR

You can run the WAR file with the generated JAR for extensions by executing the following command:

devoxx-2015/devoxx-2015-game-back> cd ..
devoxx-2015> java -Dgame.extensions.path=devoxx-2015-game-back-ext/target/survival-extensions-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -jar survival-game-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war

We assume that the downloaded WAR and the sources of extensions are in the same folder.

3.b Running from sources

You can use the maven plugin provided by Spring Boot to help us running the server. You'll need to run from the survival-game directory :

devoxx-2015/devoxx-2015-game-back> cd survival-game
devoxx-2015/devoxx-2015-game-back/survival-game> mvn spring-boot:run

4 Get the client

To view the client, you need to either build it from sources or directly download the generated zip.

4.a Download it

If you don't want to create front extensions, you can simply download the client. Then you have to configure your HTTP server (Apache for example) to serve the static html page.

NOTE: Please note that the domain jenkins.devoxx.sii.frpointes to our local machine where Jenkins is installed, you may not have access to it from outside our local network.

4.b From sources

To see the game running, you need to download the web client game.

5. Hot reload

When you create your own extensions by following this guide, the server doesn't need to be restarted. It will automatically detect changes and reload your extensions.

6. What's inside ?

Feel free to take a look at the different javadocs :