
Hands'On based on OVH public cloud.

Primary LanguageHTML

This container is based on Ubuntu image with both OpenStack client tools and SSH server installed.

Deploy the container


  • Having docker installed on your system
  • Having a valid OpenStack project access
  • Download the openrc.sh file (from API access in Horizon GUI)


Without SSH server

If not already available in your docker images, build the image:

$ docker build -t openstack-tools openstack-tools/

With SSH server

Build the openstack-tools as described in previous section, then :

$ docker build -t openstack-tools-with-ssh openstack-tools-with-ssh/


Without SSH server

$ docker run -ti --rm -v $(pwd)/openrc.sh:/root/openrc.sh openstack-tools

With SSH server

With a random port:

$ docker run -v $(pwd)/openrc.sh:/root/openrc.sh -d -P --name ostools openstack-tools-with-ssh
$ docker port ostools 22

On a specific port:

$ docker run -v $(pwd)/openrc.sh:/root/openrc.sh -d -p --name ostools openstackclient-with-ssh

Connect on the published SSH port with root and ostools@ password :

$ ssh root@DOCKERHOST_IP -p 49154
password: ostools@

Openstack tools tests

You can test the openstack command:

$ . ~/openrc.sh
Please enter your OpenStack Password:
$ openstack image list

... should return a list of available templates to deploy as VM.