
Helloworld project using sonar-web-frontend-plugin to link with sonar-web-frontend-reporters

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Helloworld project using sonar-web-frontend-plugin to link with sonar-web-frontend-reporters


  • Node.JS
  • gulp npm package installed globally
  • Jenkins
  • Sonar 4.5.5 LTS with SII sonar plugin installed, Javascript default plugin uninstalled
  • ruby + scss-lint gem


  • configure a jenkins job, and run a shell command with these lines
#link gulp bin

#install node modules
npm install

#Launching phantomjs in webdriver mode...
node_modules/.bin/phantomjs --webdriver=4444 > /dev/null &
# Store the PID

#let phantom launch fully
sleep 5

#Run tests
node $GULP tests

#let time for tests to pass
sleep 10

#Exit tests
kill -9 $phantomPID

node $GULP lint

node $GULP duplication

echo "Jenkins job done !"
echo ""
  • add build task 'Run a SonarQube scan' with sonar.properties in the repository
  • configure the dashboard of the project in Sonar by adding 'Issues by languages' widget
  • in "quality profiles" tab, for "Javascript" profiles, set as default "All linters"


Due to a limitation of Sonar for handling multiple reporters on the same language (JS), the AngularJS errors are listed in the JS tab.

Run on jenkins

  • run Jenkins job
  • open your Sonar, enjoy !

