Simplify the management of the Selenium Grid Nodes and stabilize said nodes by cleaning up the test environment after the build has been completed
- 1
- 11
Remote node not registering with hub
#409 opened by dillanmann - 6
Selenium Grid Extras broken for Chrome 74+
#426 opened by osmolyar - 0
Read timed out exception occurred when Run selenium-grid-extras as following "Setup Instructions"
#439 opened by woxiangbo - 0
org.dom4j.DocumentException: Connection timed out when setup Selenium-Grid-Extras the first time
#438 opened by jydxx61 - 1
Screen resolution changes randomly
#437 opened by Co-lb - 0
"...:3000/auto_upgrade_webdriver" fails with 400 Bad Request, NumberFormatException thrown
#429 opened by andjoe-axis - 0
- 0
- 0
browserTimeout and timeout hub configuration in seconds instead of milliseconds
#422 opened by jadmourad - 9
Geockdriver won't launch with Selenium Grid Extras using any Webdriver version higher than 3.0.1
#387 opened by osmolyar - 5
Selenium Grid Extras fails to start with any version of Gecko driver/Webdriver; NullPointerException.
#386 opened by osmolyar - 1
Unable to launch firefox 57 using selenium grid extras 2.0.1 and selenium 3.8.1
#382 opened by abhisheksreepal - 5
- 6
Not able to start the Node: Error with the JSON of the config : Expected value to be a string type: NUMBER
#415 opened by SrikanthSamala - 0
Active Sessions from api/nightwatch
#421 opened by chandraarora - 0
- 9
Unable to register a node on the latest version
#404 opened by sdarshanam - 0
com.groupon.seleniumgridextras.grid.proxies.SetupTeardownProxy is broken with new grid release
#418 opened by shankarkc - 0
- 1
All the nodes suddenly failed to register with the hub (periodically, roughly every 30 minitues)
#414 opened by kqiang - 1
Turn off auto login
#408 opened by Marcusg562 - 2
Error forwarding the new session cannot find : Capabilities {browserName: chrome, deviceName: my phone, platform: ANDROID, platformName: android, showChromedriverLog: true, version: 6.0.1}
#393 opened by automation311 - 3
Safari 11.1 Node doesn't respond after few hours of Test Case execution
#406 opened by nilesh-kumar-qa - 1
Browser sessions are not getting killed and stays indefinitely when the test is aborted in the middle
#378 opened by vignesh-paramasivam - 2
configure to only keep videos on fail test scripts
#397 opened by garifo - 1
How to configure the windows edge driver in the selenium_grid_extras_config.json?
#405 opened by Amber2008 - 0
- 1
com.groupon.seleniumgridextras.grid.servlets.ProxyStatusJsonServlet] cannot be instantiated
#401 opened by jasontseu1983 - 0
- 8
- 0
ERROR [OsProcess.checkForError] - org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Process exited with an error: -1073741512 (Exit value: -1073741512)
#399 opened by DDeepu - 0
Error running afterSession
#396 opened by jholsgrove - 0
- 2
Video when running as system user
#384 opened by asphaltpanthers - 16
Unable to register node to the hub
#390 opened by vlemaitre - 1
Unable to set MicrosoftEdge Insider version
#388 opened by namvuCosmo - 5
Win10(on virtual PCs) Nodes didn't register on hub(CentOS7) after upgrade from older version
#389 opened by nkalgin - 0
Unable to launch Internet Explorer on Windows 10 node (SGE 2.0.1, Selenium 3.7.1)
#383 opened by sineqa - 2
How to restart Node from Hub?
#381 opened by yingjun9 - 0
Selenium Grid Extras 2.0.1 and Firefox Actions
#380 opened by mariolameiras - 0
org.dom4j.DocumentException: while running released SeleniumGridExtras jar for the first time
#379 opened by zyong812 - 12
- 1
"-debug false" and "-help false" parameters breaks selenium hub for selenium >= 3.5.0
#376 opened by zsucic - 1
Drivers are getting downloaded when auto_update_driver is set to "0", and connection timeout when executing grid extras behind the proxy
#374 opened by vignesh-paramasivam - 1
'Could not find or load main class org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncher' while launching grid extras 1.12.17 with selenium server 3.6.0
#373 opened by vignesh-paramasivam - 2
- 0
Unable to find matching set of capabilites
#372 opened by vladdex - 0
SGE looking for Edge on MAC. "Unable to create new instances on this machine."
#371 opened by isc-gtontche - 1
Firefox is not opened properly
#369 opened by da-yaroslav-orel