
GrowERP backend component for the Moqui.org framework and ERP. Used by the growerp flutter frontend when using Moqui.org.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

This is the last version which was used in GrowERP V0.9.5 This repository was then copied to the https://github.com/growerp/growerp/moqui/runtime/component/growerp repository and maintained from there. So now from here discontinued

GrowERP Moqui backend

This is the backend to the flutter frontend at: https://github.com/growerp/growerp

For an existing installation change the following line below:

git clone >>>-b existing<<< https://github.com/growerp/growerp-moqui.git runtime/component/growerp And in the app: change the assets/cfg/ app_settings.json: singleCompany: partyId of single company

to run the backend locally:

git clone -b growerp https://github.com/growerp/moqui-framework.git moqui && cd moqui
git clone https://github.com/growerp/moqui-runtime runtime
git clone https://github.com/growerp/growerp-moqui.git runtime/component/growerp
git clone -b growerp https://github.com/growerp/PopRestStore.git runtime/component/PopRestStore
git clone -b growerp https://github.com/growerp/mantle-udm.git -b growerp runtime/component/mantle-udm
git clone -b growerp https://github.com/growerp/mantle-usl.git runtime/component/mantle-usl
git clone https://github.com/growerp/mantle-stripe.git runtime/component/mantle-stripe
git clone https://github.com/growerp/moqui-fop.git runtime/component/moqui-fop

./gradlew downloadel
./gradlew build
java -jar moqui.war load types=seed,seed-initial,install
java -jar moqui.war

In another teminal start also the chat server: https://github.com/growerp/growerp-chat

and in a separate terminal:

git clone https://github.com/growerp/growerp
cd growerp/packages/admin
flutter run