Take Home Assignment - Senior Full Stack

Interface + API application (Insight Card)

IMPORTANT : We will consider exclusively the quality of your project (technology and product-wise) to evaluate your work. We've added a project structure in this repository (a build with react, reflux, typescript, webpack, babel config etc) to save you time. Feel free to use it. The app will also have its own separate login mechanism based on a username and password. Go through the details clearly. You have 7 days to submit the assigned task. We of course want you to solve the problem, but are equally interested to see how you solve it - the quality of your approach & code! In case of any questions, send a mail to nidhi@gtmhub.com

Quantive Signals monitors your KPIs and intelligently collects your data ,identifies anomalies, identifies factors that create unexpected changes, generates alerts and insights of when, what, and why something happens.

You will build a piece of our insights feature by creating the insight card screen.

Development Instructions


Be aware that Origin will mainly take into consideration the following evaluation criteria:

  • How close your page is to the mockups, both on mobile & desktop;
  • How clean and organized your code is. We are looking for clear separation of back-end and front-end;
  • If you implemented the business rules correctly.
  • How good your automated tests are, i.e. qualitative over quantitative. Feel free to choose between jest or testing library.
  • You are free to use any javascript chart library.

You can use third-party libraries in case you want to.


Desktop View alt text

Mobile View


What you have to make

Sign up Screen

  • Create a sign up screen in the [host]/auth/register page.
  • On Submit, create an entry of the registered user in the DB (e.g mongodb) of your choice.

Login Screen

  • Create a login screen in the [host]/auth/login page.
  • On Submit, validate the user and as soon as user gets logged in, user will redirect to [host]/organizations/quantive page where you will show your insight card screen.

Insight Card

Create list of at least 4-5 insight cards.
Insight card will have the following components.

  • Insight card heading - This will have the source logo and breadcrumb like structure i.e source_name/stream_name/kpi_name along with that, the severity i.e [high, medium, low] depending on the score i.e, 0-50 is low, 51-70 is medium and 71-100 is high. It should also have the watchers components. Suppose user1 was the owner of an insight and user2 (another logged in user) clicked that insight card, user2 will be added as the watcher for that insight and will be visible in the watchers component.

  • Insight card table - insight card should have the table with the top-drivers. Show first 2 top drivers.

  • Insight card line graph - insight card should also have line graph. You can use any javascript chart library to create it.

  • Save button - insight card should have the save button. On submit, save the insight for that user.

  • Filter - create a filter based for severity and saved insights

  • Test Suit

Ensure to write some basic test cases for this component in Jest. Make sure you test if the component is rendered and saving/unSaving button works.

  • Change Create a section where you show the change of the in the insight. Here you need to display the current and the previous value of the insight with respect to the startTime and endTime . The current and previous values should be abbreviate and timestamps should be formatted as per the design.

  • Insight Line Graph Add a preview graph from the timeseries values for insights. The name of the file is in this manner [insight_id].json

alt text

The graph has a few different components, namely:

  • The line representing the original value — this line uses the field value
  • The dashed line representing the forecast — this line uses the field forecastedValue
  • The portion of the main line representing an "anomaly", which is colored red — this portion uses the field lineStatus, the lineStatus can have the following values
    • lineStatus: 0 - There is no anomaly in this line.
    • lineStatus: 1 — The anomaly has started and hence the line should be colored red.
    • lineStatus: 2 — The anomaly is continuing and hence the line should be colored red.
    • lineStatus: 3 — The anomaly has ended, therefore the line should not be red.
  • There should be "bands" around the main line (represented in the image above with the shaded grey area). These bands can be rendered using the fields upperBound and lowerBound. Also, the area within the band should be shaded.
  • The x-axis should be based on the timestamp field and the y-axis should be based on the value field.

You can directly store the provided JSON files on your backend, but there are bonus points if you can store and query the data from a MongoDB instance (you can use MongoDB Atlas to get started with a free MongoDB provider).


Required tech for this assignment

  • Frontend -> React.js
  • Backend -> Node.js
  • Database -> mongodb (optional) free to use any db
  • Chart Library -> Echarts (optional) free to use any charting library
  • Testing -> Jest (optional) free to use any testing library
  • State management -> Redux, reflux or any other state management

Delivery Instructions

Follow the below instructions for your submission :

  • Please send your submission to this form:link
  • Reply to the email with the assignment/link/attachments/ submission.
  • Create a private repository on Github and add the following accounts as collaborators :
    1. aayush.jain@greendeck.co
    2. geetendra@greendeck.co
    3. rohit.sharma@greendeck.co
  • Please ensure that your repository has a README.md which lists the exact steps required to run your application.
  • Send an email to careers@greendeck.co with the subject "Full-stack assignment submission" (do not use any other subject) and mention the following details in your email:
    1. A link to the application's GitHub repository (make sure you've added the collaborators mentioned previously).
    2. The hosted URL of your web-app (if hosted on a platform such as Heroku).


This project requires the latest LTS version of NodeJS and you may need to install the yarn as global dependency

npm install -g yarn

After you have cloned this repo and install the yarn, install the dependencies with:

yarn install

You can then start the application running:

yarn start

That's it. Just Access http://localhost:6001 in your browser.

Again, please make sure your repository on GitHub is private.

We hope you have fun with the assignment! In case of any questions or queries, feel free to shoot us an email at careers@greendeck.co. We are expecting a solution submission within seven days. While we're interested in the complete implementation of the task, feel free to submit your solution even if you feel if it's not up to the mark; we're as interested in your method of solving the problem as we're interested in the end result itself.

Good luck!