
Yet another JSON library for Scala

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build status Coverage status Gitter Maven Central

circe is a JSON library for Scala. The rest of this page tries to give some justification for its existence. There are also API docs.

circe's working title was jfc, which stood for "JSON for cats". The name was changed for a number of reasons.

Quick start

circe is published to Maven Central and cross-built for Scala 2.10 and 2.11, so you can just add the following to your build:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "io.circe" %% "circe-core" % "0.1.1",
  "io.circe" %% "circe-generic" % "0.1.1",
  "io.circe" %% "circe-jawn" % "0.1.1"

Then type sbt console to start a REPL and then paste the following (this will also work from the root directory of this repository):

scala> import io.circe._, io.circe.generic.auto._, io.circe.jawn._, io.circe.syntax._
import io.circe._
import io.circe.auto._
import io.circe.jawn._
import io.circe.syntax._

scala> sealed trait Foo
defined trait Foo

scala> case class Bar(xs: List[String]) extends Foo
defined class Bar

scala> case class Qux(i: Int, d: Option[Double]) extends Foo
defined class Qux

scala> val foo: Foo = Qux(13, Some(14.0))
foo: Foo = Qux(13,Some(14.0))

scala> foo.asJson.noSpaces
res0: String = {"Qux":{"d":14.0,"i":13}}

scala> decode[Foo](foo.asJson.spaces4)
res1: cats.data.Xor[io.circe.Error,Foo] = Right(Qux(13,Some(14.0)))

No boilerplate, no runtime reflection.


Argonaut is a great library. It's by far the best JSON library for Scala, and the best JSON library on the JVM. If you're doing anything with JSON in Scala, you should be using Argonaut.

circe is a fork of Argonaut with a few important differences.

Dependencies and modularity

circe depends on cats instead of Scalaz, and the core project has only two dependencies: cats-core and export-hook (a lightweight mechanism for cleaner generic type class instance derivation).

Other subprojects bring in dependencies on Jawn (for parsing in the jawn subproject), Shapeless (for automatic codec derivation in generic), and Twitter Util (for tools for asynchronous parsing in async), but it would be possible to replace the functionality provided by these subprojects with alternative implementations that use other libraries.


circe doesn't include a JSON parser in the core project, which is focused on the JSON AST, zippers, and codecs. The jawn subproject provides support for parsing JSON via a Jawn facade. Jawn is fast, it offers asynchronous parsing, and best of all it lets us drop a lot of the fussiest code in Argonaut.


circe doesn't use or provide lenses in the core project (or at all, for now). This is related to the first point above, since Monocle has a Scalaz dependency, but we also feel that it simplifies the API. We'd consider adding lenses in a subproject if Monocle (or something similar) gets ported to cats.

Codec derivation

circe does not use macros or provide any kind of automatic derivation in the core project. Instead of Argonaut's limited macro-based derivation (which does not support sealed trait hierarchies, for example), circe includes a subproject (generic) that provides generic codec derivation using Shapeless.

This subproject is currently a simplified port of argonaut-shapeless that provides fully automatic derivation of instances for case classes and sealed trait hierarchies. It also includes derivation of "incomplete" case class instances (see my recent blog post for details).


circe aims to simplify Argonaut's API by removing all operator aliases. This is largely a matter of personal taste, and may change in the future.


The Argonaut documentation is good, but it could be better: to take just one example, it can be hard to tell at a glance why there are three different Cursor, HCursor, and ACursor types. In this particular case, circe introduces an abstraction over cursors that makes the relationship clearer and allows these three types to share API documentation.


I'd like to provide more complete test coverage (in part via Discipline), but it's early days for this.


circe aims to be more focused on performance. I'm still experimenting with the right balance, but I'm open to using mutability, inheritance, and all kinds of other horrible things under the hood if they make circe faster (the public API does not and will never expose any of this, though).

My initial benchmarks suggest this is at least kind of working (higher numbers are better):

Benchmark                       Mode  Cnt      Score     Error  Units

DecodingBenchmark.decodeFoosA  thrpt   40   1219.959 ±  28.183  ops/s
DecodingBenchmark.decodeFoosC  thrpt   40   1397.195 ±  15.402  ops/s

DecodingBenchmark.decodeIntsA  thrpt   40   7538.238 ± 158.823  ops/s
DecodingBenchmark.decodeIntsC  thrpt   40   7775.231 ± 121.456  ops/s

EncodingBenchmark.encodeFoosA  thrpt   40   6186.539 ±  17.022  ops/s
EncodingBenchmark.encodeFoosC  thrpt   40   6552.408 ± 127.446  ops/s

EncodingBenchmark.encodeIntsA  thrpt   40  47262.384 ± 118.791  ops/s
EncodingBenchmark.encodeIntsC  thrpt   40  92476.811 ± 367.129  ops/s

ParsingBenchmark.parseFoosA    thrpt   40   2141.975 ±  13.181  ops/s
ParsingBenchmark.parseFoosC    thrpt   40   3102.288 ±  19.494  ops/s

ParsingBenchmark.parseIntsA    thrpt   40  10820.259 ±  38.952  ops/s
ParsingBenchmark.parseIntsC    thrpt   40  33479.046 ±  94.416  ops/s

PrintingBenchmark.printFoosA   thrpt   40   2873.823 ±  32.944  ops/s
PrintingBenchmark.printFoosC   thrpt   40   3656.773 ±   9.829  ops/s

PrintingBenchmark.printIntsA   thrpt   40  18641.201 ± 165.950  ops/s
PrintingBenchmark.printIntsC   thrpt   40  22031.479 ±  80.269  ops/s

And allocation rates (lower is better):

Benchmark                                        Cnt        Score        Error   Units

DecodingBenchmark.decodeFoosA:gc.alloc.rate.norm  20  3129281.175 ±      2.273    B/op
DecodingBenchmark.decodeFoosC:gc.alloc.rate.norm  20  2745809.199 ±  57210.951    B/op

DecodingBenchmark.decodeIntsA:gc.alloc.rate.norm  20   599399.891 ±  21404.111    B/op
DecodingBenchmark.decodeIntsC:gc.alloc.rate.norm  20   528852.711 ±   5356.383    B/op

EncodingBenchmark.encodeFoosA:gc.alloc.rate.norm  20   526700.440 ±   1425.759    B/op
EncodingBenchmark.encodeFoosC:gc.alloc.rate.norm  20   429129.647 ±   1426.476    B/op

EncodingBenchmark.encodeIntsA:gc.alloc.rate.norm  20    88144.033 ±   7134.445    B/op
EncodingBenchmark.encodeIntsC:gc.alloc.rate.norm  20    48360.018 ±      0.035    B/op

ParsingBenchmark.parseFoosA:gc.alloc.rate.norm    20  1464616.780 ±   2138.191    B/op
ParsingBenchmark.parseFoosC:gc.alloc.rate.norm    20   735249.500 ±      2.852    B/op

ParsingBenchmark.parseIntsA:gc.alloc.rate.norm    20   326296.548 ±      1.540    B/op
ParsingBenchmark.parseIntsC:gc.alloc.rate.norm    20   105232.050 ±      0.096    B/op

PrintingBenchmark.printFoosA:gc.alloc.rate.norm   20   595216.561 ±   9978.237    B/op
PrintingBenchmark.printFoosC:gc.alloc.rate.norm   20   386712.468 ±   4190.873    B/op

PrintingBenchmark.printIntsA:gc.alloc.rate.norm   20   119592.091 ±      0.175    B/op
PrintingBenchmark.printIntsC:gc.alloc.rate.norm   20    95408.076 ±      0.147    B/op

The Foos benchmarks work with a map containing case class values, and the Ints ones are an array of integers. C suffixes indicate circe's throughput and A is for Argonaut.


This section needs a lot of expanding.

Encoding and decoding

circe uses Encoder and Decoder type classes for encoding and decoding. An Encoder[A] instance provides a function that will convert any A to a JSON, and a Decoder[A] takes a Json value to either an exception or an A. circe provides implicit instances of these type classes for many types from the Scala standard library, including Int, String, and others. It also provides instances for List[A], Option[A], and other generic types, but only if A has an Encoder instance.

Transforming JSON

Suppose we have the following JSON document:

import io.circe._, io.circe.generic.auto._, io.circe.jawn._, io.circe.syntax._
import cats.data.Xor

val json: String = """
    "id": "c730433b-082c-4984-9d66-855c243266f0",
    "name": "Foo",
    "counts": [1, 2, 3],
    "values": {
      "bar": true,
      "baz": 100.001,
      "qux": ["a", "b"]

val doc: Json = parse(json).getOrElse(Json.empty)

In order to transform this document we need to create an HCursor with the focus at the document's root:

val cursor: HCursor = doc.hcursor

We can then use various operations to move the focus of the cursor around the document and to "modify" the current focus:

val reversedNameCursor: ACursor =

We can then return to the root of the document and return its value with top:

val reversedName: Option[Json] = reversedNameCursor.top

The result will contain the original document with the "name" field reversed.

Contributors and participation

circe is a fork of Argonaut, and if you find it at all useful, you should thank Mark Hibberd, Tony Morris, Kenji Yoshida, and the rest of the Argonaut contributors.

circe is currently maintained by Travis Brown, Alexandre Archambault, and Vladimir Kostyukov. After the 0.3.0 release, all pull requests will require two sign-offs by a maintainer to be merged.

The circe project supports the Typelevel code of conduct and wants all of its channels (Gitter, GitHub, etc.) to be welcoming environments for everyone.


circe is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.