- 2
Distribution/Nuget of Google.Types
#2585 opened by ricsiLT - 4
How to import a proto file that imports other proto files
#2533 opened by xky0007 - 0
gRPC Documentation As Code For .net
#2584 opened by vasylstrogushr - 2
How to communicate the GRPC server with Python client
#2583 opened by dwang-git - 3
Authentication per message instead of per call
#2580 opened by mddddb - 2
Error with `StatusCode` `Internal` thrown when a server is unavailable for a client running on .NET Framework 4.8 instead of `Unavailable`
#2581 opened by SayakMukhopadhyay - 1
Why does grpc-dotnet depend on Microsoft.AspNetCore.App?
#2564 opened by HppZ - 1
- 0
gRPC FieldMask not rendered correctly in Swagger Page
#2579 opened by ricknbaker - 0
- 6
Possible deadlock with bidirectional streaming
#2576 opened by exelsior - 4
incompatible with 'all' frameworks in version 2.67.0
#2577 opened by debuggedme - 2
Blazor WASM app fails to build on .NET 9
#2575 opened by Hona - 0
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application/grpc-web+proto support .net?
#2551 opened by VendorAttestation - 0
Got error on Blazor Example project
#2568 opened by jeffersyuan1976 - 0
Proper way to be notified about stream failure
#2540 opened by ricsiLT - 0
Should there be support for base64 encoded binary header values in Metadata?
#2566 opened by richardjanssen - 7
Introduce Grpc.Net.Server for Hosting gRPC Servers in .NET Standard and .NET 8+ (Non-ASP.NET Core)
#2543 opened by perpetualintelligencegit - 2
Client whit .net Framework 4.8.1 and 4.6.2 Error
#2561 opened by drdelportillo - 0
Retries limited to 5
#2518 opened by dompolochak - 1
Memory keep going up and never go down
#2508 opened by wisamidris7 - 0
Header value duplication when double-registering?
#2557 opened by ricsiLT - 2
SubchannelsLoadBalancer.UpdateChannelState() with the same Addresses but different BalancerAddress.Attributes doesn't trigger UpdateBalancingState
#2552 opened by kolonist - 3
Where are all the Grpc.StatusProto versions?
#2549 opened by leidegre - 6
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Does gRPC send metrics?
#2545 opened by IgorMamushin - 0
HTTP/2 error code 'PROTOCOL_ERROR' (0x1) in .Net 8
#2544 opened by lalitha292 - 1
Client project does not resolve client classes generated by Grpc.Tools (client .cs files are generated in obj folder)
#2542 opened by sethsnel - 1
Running in injected DLL without ASP.NET
#2541 opened by just-ero - 2
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`AuthContext.IsPeerAuthenticated` should return true if `User.Identity.IsAuthenticated` does
#2537 opened by Eagle3386 - 1
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Update logging to use generated logs
#2529 opened by JamesNK - 1
Benchmark client no longer compiles on .NET 9
#2499 opened by BrennanConroy - 0
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HTTP/1.1 with gRPC-Web not working
#2519 opened by leononame - 2
How to use this in a CMake C# project?
#2517 opened by bebuch - 0
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RoundRobin balancer with health checks on subchannels
#2515 opened by pipka76 - 5
How to return an EMPTY grpc response using HttpContext only (no framework mapped)
#2489 opened by smaktacular - 0
- 1
"Grpc.Core.RpcException":"Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Cancelled", Detail="No grpc-status found on response.")
#2492 opened by shuowpro - 0
Issue when using AddApiExplorer and JsonTranscoding
#2500 opened by mcastagna-sa - 2
Can internal services be called through Http?
#2498 opened by wangdaojun1985 - 0
Mock and Dependency Redundancy
#2497 opened by Fabian918 - 0
Add gRPC streaming for code first approach
#2494 opened by vasylstrogushr - 0
According to our testing, the single connection throughput of C++GRPC is very low. Why doesn't C++client use connection pooling?
#2493 opened by wkj827270243 - 0
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feature: Grpc.AspNetCore.Server.Reflection Allow Anonymous, even if authentication is required by default
#2483 opened by wooln