
Unofficial API for YouTube Music

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ytmusicapi: Unofficial API for YouTube Music

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ytmusicapi is a Python 3 library to send requests to the YouTube Music API. It emulates YouTube Music web client requests using the user's cookie data for authentication.


  • search (including all filters)
  • get artist information and releases (songs, videos, albums, singles, related artists)
  • get user information (videos, playlists)
  • get albums
  • get song metadata
  • get watch playlists (playlist that appears when you press play in YouTube Music)
  • get song lyrics
Exploring music:
  • get moods and genres playlists
  • get latest charts (globally and per country)
Library management:
  • get library contents: playlists, songs, artists, albums and subscriptions
  • add/remove library content: rate songs, albums and playlists, subscribe/unsubscribe artists
  • create and delete playlists
  • modify playlists: edit metadata, add/move/remove tracks
  • get playlist contents
  • Upload songs and remove them again
  • List uploaded songs, artists and albums


from ytmusicapi import YTMusic

ytmusic = YTMusic('headers_auth.json')
playlistId = ytmusic.create_playlist('test', 'test description')
search_results = ytmusic.search('Oasis Wonderwall')
ytmusic.add_playlist_items(playlistId, [search_results[0]['videoId']])

The tests are also a great source of usage examples.


Setup and Usage

See the Documentation for detailed instructions


Pull requests are welcome. There are still some features that are not yet implemented. Please, refer to CONTRIBUTING.rst for guidance.