This is a module for DraftJS that will export your editor content to semantic HTML.
It was extracted from React-RTE and placed into a separate module for more general use. Hopefully it can be helpful in your projects.
npm install --save draft-js-export-html
import {stateToHTML} from 'draft-js-export-html';
let html = stateToHTML(contentState);
also accepts an optional second argument, a map of entity types and functions which can facilitate rendering:
let html = stateToHTML(contentState, {
BOLD: (content) => `<span style="font-weight: bold">${content}</span>`,
UNDERLINE: (content) => `<span style="border-bottom: 1px solid black">${content}</span>`
This project is still under development. If you want to help out, please open an issue to discuss or join us on Slack.
This repo is the latest commit of draft-js-export-html with the following commits from pull requests merged:
- varun-raj/draft-js-export-html 31f51a3
- xarg/draft-js-export-html 8dbf7fd
- nmaquet/draft-js-export-html 98bfac1
This software is BSD Licensed.