
VASP modular – Vector assembling signal processor for Pure Data and Max

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

VASP modular - vector assembling signal processor
Object library for Max and Pure Data

Copyright (c)2002-2015 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org)
For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.  

Donations for further development of the package are highly appreciated.
Visit https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=gr%40grrrr.org&item_name=vasp&no_note=1&tax=0&currency_code=EUR





Package files:
- readme.txt: this one
- gpl.txt,license.txt,mixfft.txt: license stuff
- changes.txt,todo.txt: additional info
- pd-help/*: VASP help for PD
- pd/*: VASP abstractions and documentation for PD
- max-help/*: VASP help for Max/MSP (not present)
- maxmsp/*: VASP abstractions for Max/MSP
- source/*: VASP sources



VASP is a package for PD or MaxMSP consisting of a number of externals extending 
these systems with functions for non-realtime array-based audio data processing. 
VASP is capable of working in the background, therefore not influencing eventual 
dsp signal processing.




For VASP and its documentation to work properly, you have to specify a 
PD command line like

Linux/OSX: pd -path /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/vasp/pd -lib vasp/vasp
Windows:  pd -path c:\audio\pd\extra\vasp\pd -lib vasp\vasp

The main help file "VASP-HELP.pd" resides in the "pd" sub-folder along with some 
handy abstractions. Every help file is accessible from VASP-HELP.PD and vice versa.


It is advisable to put the vasp object library file into the "max-startup" folder. 
Hence it will be loaded at Max startup.
If you want alternatively to load the vasp library on demand, 
create a "vasp" object somewhere. The library is then loaded.

If existent, the "max-help" folder should be put into the "max-help" folder of Max/MSP 
and be renamed to "vasp".



BUILDING from source

You will need the flext C++ layer for PD and Max/MSP externals to compile this.
See http://grrrr.org/ext/flext
Download, install and compile the package.
Afterwards you can proceed with building this external.

pd/Max - Windows - Microsoft Visual C, Borland C++, MinGW:
Start a command shell with your eventual build environment
(e.g. run vcvars32.bat for Microsoft Visual Studio)

then run
(you would have to substitute ..\flext with the respective path to the flext package)

pd/Max - OSX/Linux - GCC:
From a shell run
bash ../flext/build.sh
(you would have to substitute ../flext with the respective path to the flext package)



- Click-free operation: All objects where it makes sense (e.g. transformation of data, vasp.!, etc.)
	can be set to "detached mode" by sending a "detach 1" message (which is setting the detach attribute to 1). 
	The operation will then take place in a detached thread with lower priority. 
	Thus, longer operations will not disturb the dsp processing of the real-time engine.