
Simple proof-of-concept of skupper interceptor

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A simple proof-of-concept of a skupper interceptor

The following steps assume a working skupper namespace.

First deploy some kind of service. I use a simple http echo that returns whatever is POSTed to it:

kubectl create deployment echo-impl --image quay.io/gordons/http-echo --port 8080

Expose this via skupper:

skupper expose --protocol http deployment echo-impl

Now create another skupper service that will be the first stage in the chain:

skupper service create echo 8080 --mapping http

Deploy the interceptor (update the env vars if changing either of the service names above):

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grs/skupper-interceptor/main/interceptor.yaml

Then bind this to the entry service:

skupper service bind echo deployment my-interceptor

Calls to http://echo:8080 within the cluster now go through the interceptor to the echo-impl pod. The interceptor in this example obfucates certain words (apple bananan and grape on requests, red, yellow and green on responses).


$ kubectl run -it --image quay.io/gordons/fedora:30 test
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
[root@test /]# curl -d $'purple grapes and green apples\n' http://echo:8080/
purple *****s and ##### *****s
[root@test /]# curl -d $'no fruit for me thanks\n' http://echo:8080/
no fruit for me thanks