Resume Maker

Resume Maker is a app to parse json response and show resume.

Pass a nested json url and get a beautiful resume.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine to try.


Assuming you have installed git, ruby, rails and rvm or any other ruby version manager like rbenv.


git clone
cd resume_maker

This will automatically create a gemset name resume_maker. Install bundler if you don't have.

gem install bundler

Now install all other gems using command

bundle install

Next, create datbase and run migrations.

rake db:create db:migrate

Running the program

Start server

rails s

Open browser tab and go to http://localhost:3000

Here you will see history of resumes. Click on any link to see resume.

Use dummy_request file in project base folder to create dummy resume. If using local dev machine change url accordingly at the end of file.

Change to https://localhost:3000/api/resumes

Additionaly can use PostMan for testing.

Request data is in format

    "resume" : {
        "profile" : {
            "full_name": "Sahil Grover",
            "email": "",
            "phone": "+60173587404",
            "linkedin_url": "",
            "blog_url": "",
            "dob" : "20 Jul, 1988",
            "title" : "title here ....",
            "description" : "description here ....."
        "languages" : {
            "0" : {"title" : "English","proficiency" : "Professional"},
            "n" : {"title" : "Punjabi","proficiency" : "Spoken"}
        "projects" : {
            "0" : {
                "title": "project title here",
                "description": "project desc here ....",
                "url": "",
                "start_date": "20 Oct, 2014",
                "end_date": "20 Nov, 2015"
            "n" : {
                "title": "project title here",
                "description": "project desc here ....",
                "url": "",
                "start_date": "20 Oct, 2014",
                "end_date": "20 Nov, 2015"
        "skills" : {
            "0" : {"title": "ROR", "exp_level": "Expert"},
            "n" : {"title": "HTML"}
        "qualifications" : {
            "0" : {"title": "B.Sc. (IT)", "school_name": "Global OPen Univerity"}
        "companies" : {
            "0" : {"title": "Company 1", "url": "",  "start_date": "20 Jul, 2016"},
            "n" : {"title": "Company n", "url": "",  "start_date": "20 Dec, 2015",  "end_date": "20 May, 2016"},

Live demo can be seen at here on heroku


Sahil Grover


Feel free to copy/edit/use code anywhere :)