
C implementations of the Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) algorithm. Lzwg features optional bitsize (default=16) of dictionary string table size (default=65536). Lzwhc is a single file codec, via faster hashing. Note: lzwg uses maximum 1.7GB+ RAM and lzwhc uses maximum 2.4GB+ RAM @ 28-bit dictionary!

Primary LanguageC

This archive contains *basic* implementations of the following algorithms:

(1)  Run-Length Encoding (RLE) (gtrle32.c and gtrle35.c);
(2)  Shannon-Fano Coding (gtsf.c and gtsfd.c);
(3)  Static Huffman Coding (gthc.c and gthd.c);
(4)  Dynamic Huffman coding-Algorithm FGK (fgkc.c and fgkd.c);
(5)  Dynamic Huffman coding II-Algorithm Vitter (vitc.c and vitd.c);
(6)  Run-Length Transform (RLT, a zero-order MTF) (gtrlt.c);
(7)  Move-To-Front Coding (MTF) (gtmtf.c);
(8)  Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) (gtbwt5.c and gtbwtd5.c);
(9)  Lempel-Ziv algorithm (LZ77) (
	gtlz772.c gtlz772d.c  [basic LZ77/LZSS implementation];
	gtlz77hc.c gtlz77hd.c [basic LZ77/LZSS + Huffman];
	lzh.c and lzhd.c      [2-byte hash];
	lzhh.c and lzhhx.c    [2-byte hash plus Huffman] ); and

(10) Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) (
	gtlzw91.c and gtlzw91d.c   [using a TST];
	lzwh.c and lzwhd.c         [using LZC hashing];
	lzwgt.c and lzwgtd.c       [using a Binary Search Tree];
	lzwg.c and lzwgd.c         [using a Binary Search Tree];
	lzwhc.c                    [using LZC hashing, a single file codec];
	lzwz.c                     [using LZC hashing, a single file codec, option to reset dictionary] ).


For personal, academic, and research purposes only. Freely distributable.

-- Gerald R. Tamayo, BSIE(Mapua I.T.)