
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


It is the codebase of SpeechNet: A Universal Modularized Model for Speech Processing Tasks



The required dependencies are in requirements.txt. You can install them with pip install -r requirements.txt.

Note: If you are using an older torch and encounter an error when running the code like UnboundLocalError: local variable 'beta1' referenced before assignment, please update the adamw.py according this commit.

How to run

Config file example for training: config/libri/conformer_256_AdamW.yaml. For the dataset paths and hyperparameter setups, please refer to the config file.


python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=<num pf GPUs> main.py --config <path of config file> --name <name of log/ckpt> <--task1 --task2 ...> [--gpus <number of gpus (default is 1)>] [--other options]
eg: python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 main.py --config config/libri/conformer_256_AdamW.yaml --name five_task_with_per-layer-pcgrad --asr --se --sc --tts --vcb --gpus 2 --no_amp --pcgrad --per_layer


python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=<num pf GPUs> main.py --config <path of config file> --name <name of log/ckpt> <--task1 --task2 ...> <--test_task1 --test_task2 ...> [--gpus <number of gpus (default is 1)>] --load <ckpt path> [--other options]
eg: python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 main.py --config config/libri/conformer_256_AdamW.yaml --name test_five_task_with_per-layer-pcgrad --asr --se --sc --tts --vcb --test_asr --test_se --test_sc --test_tts --test_vcb --gpus 2 --no_amp --load best_five_task.pth 


Note: Now AMP is not available, so please always use the --no_amp option.

  • General options:

--config: config path
--name: name for logging
--load: trained model path
--single_task: always setting the weights of losses to 1 in multi-task learning
(default: using auto-balanced losses)
--pcgrad: using PCGrad for conflicting gradients in multi-task learning
--per_layer: performing the checking of conflicting gradients per layer rather than per module
--no_amp: to disable automatic mixed precision
--gpus: specifying the gpu number

  • Task-specific options:

--asr: setups for asr (training/testing)
--se: setups for se (training/testing)
--sc: setups for sc (training/testing)
--tts: setups for tts (training/testing)
--vcb: setups for vcb (training/testing)

--test_asr: testing asr
--test_se: testing se
--test_sc: testing sc
--test_tts: testing tts
--test_vcb: testing vcb