
Senior Software 2 Project

Primary LanguageSmalltalk

This is a Unity VR game developed by my Senior Software team for one semester at the University of Tulsa. Our project was assessed by the Computer Science advisory board at the University of Tulsa and showcased at Tokyo in Tulsa 2019 for the University's booth.

Download Release Here:





On a 5 student team, I took the role of creative director, level designer, and programmer. Specifically, the game concept/proposal was of my own creation, so I played a critical role in overseeing the evolution of gameplay as we limited the scope of the project to meet deadlines. In our first sprint, I was responsible for implementing the whip's physics simulation; I had to balance realism with the limitations of real-time physics simulation, learnability, and fun. In the second sprint, I was responsible for level design, including the creation of the terrain, placement of props, and overall level design. In our final sprint, I was responsible for polish/QA.

Software Used

Blender, Unity, SteamVR

Lessons Learned

As my second Senior Software project, I learned the difficulties of maintaining effective teamwork on harsh deadlines, how to assign member responsibilities while balancing short-term efficiency with long-term member improvement/learning, and Blender.

Version Control

This version is outdated, as we moved development to Unity Teams, upgraded the project to Unity LWRP and polished it for its public debut at Tokyo in Tulsa 2019.

The newest release version is hosted at https://grubtub19.itch.io/high-midnight

Development on Unity Teams (project ID): 04d5bd84-f1ac-48d5-a233-2ba4cd2d4283


version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 oid sha256:b8c8937b4fcd3a1270e1bca3e16aae9075c2d6fde954625cfbdf40a56e39125f size 6232