Example usage for Spring Security with Spring Boot 3 using HTTP Basic with users from an H2 database.
You can start the application with ./mvnw spring-boot:run
The embedded H2 database will be started along with the application.
A user can be logging in via HTTP Basic or be unauthenticated. An authenticated user has a role according
enum UserRole
There are four endpoints
| Method | Path | Access by | Descriptions |
|--------| ------ |------------------------|
| GET | /books | any user | List all existing |
| GET | /books/{id} | any user | Shows book with the given id |
| POST | /books | any authenticated user | Adds a new book |
| POST | /persons | authenticated user with role ADMIN | Adds a new user with role USER |
The initial admin user (admin/admin) is added via the data.sql
that is added on the start of the
application after creating on the database scheme. New user can be added via the rest endpoint. The entity
represents a user in the database.
The class SecurityConfiguration
creates two configuration beans for Spring Security.
will configure bcrypt with 12 rounds as password hash algorithm. You can also generate a hash of a given password on https://bcrypt-generator.com/.filterChain(HttpSecurity)
configures:- CSRF is disabled for easier access on this learning project.
- Default HTTP Basic as authentication method.
- Session management is stateless.
- Frames for the same origin are allowed. This is needed to use the h2-console ui.
- Allowing unauthenticated access to the swagger ui.
- Allowing unauthenticated access to the h2 console.
- Allowing unauthenticated GET-access to
. - Restricting POST-access to
to theADMIN
role. - Restricting any other URL to an authenticated user.
The class UserDetailsServiceImpl
will replace the default behavior of Spring Security with loading users from the
database. For a given username a Person
entity is loaded from the database and passed with the password hash and
the role as a Spring Security User
object implementing the UserDetails
The swagger ui can be accessed via the url http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html. The class BasicAuth
is a marker for the swagger ui to indicate an endpoint needs HTTP Basic authentication.