Table of Contents

ScrumGraph [2015]

This project corresponds to the backend of the web application built as a degree project.

SCRUMGRAPH publishes a series of RESTful web services resources related to the key elements in the Scrum framework, to store these elements in graphs to support decision-making in the commitments to be acquired in the planning of future Sprints, based on the information recorded in each Node.

Branch Info

TAG 0.0.1

  • RESTful services built with jersey.
  • Neo4j - (Graph Database)
  • Java 7

Branch 1.0.X

  • Spring Boot 1.5.9.RELEASE
  • Spring Framework 4.3
  • Spring REST
  • Spring AOP
  • Spring DATA - Neo4j [2.2.3]
  • Java 8

Branch 2.0.X

  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Framework 5
  • Spring REST
  • Spring DATA - Mongo DB
  • Java 8-9


The execution of software development projects based on the SCRUM framework requires the realization of a control and/or follow-up. The database proposed for this context focuses on the information related to the most relevant SCRUM elements involved in the process of building functional increments of a software product. These elements are Users, Projects, Sprints, Product Backlog Items (PBI) and Tasks.

A user belongs to a SCRUM team, the team works on a project. A project is composed of Sprints and in turn, is defined by Product Back Log Items. A Sprint works on a series of PBIs. A PBI is performed by a set of tasks.

The schema of the application domain network database model is shown in the following image:

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Model elements


  • USER => Represents the users or members belonging to a SCRUM team.
  • TEAM => Represents the SCRUM team
  • PROJECT => Represents the software project to be tracked.
  • PBI => Represents the Product Backlog Items that make up the functionalities to be carried out in a project.
  • SPRINT => Represents the iterations carried out on a project.
  • TASK => Represents the tasks performed in a PBI.


  • BELONGS_TO => Relationship between the USER and TEAM nodes, indicates which application users belong to a SCRUM team.
  • WORKS_ON => Relationship between TEAM and PROJECT nodes, indicates the team responsible for a project.
  • IS_DEFINED_BY => Relationship between the PROJECT and PBI nodes, indicates the functionalities (PBI) with which a software project is composed.
  • IS_COMPOSED_OF => Relationship between the PROJECT and SPRINT nodes, indicates the iterations necessary to carry out the software project.
  • IS_COMPOSED_BY => Relationship between the SPRINT and PBI nodes, indicates which functionalities are worked on in an iteration of the software project.
  • IS_PERFORMED_BY => Relationship between the PBI and TASK nodes, indicates the tasks necessary to perform a functionality.


Attributes are the key-value properties set on each node of the graph-oriented database model. Below are the attributes defined for each of the nodes.

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Constraints allow us to have unique values on the properties of nodes with the same label specification.

The following constraints were defined:

  • USER node: Constraint is defined on the email property.
  • PROJECT node: Constraint is defined on the code property.
  • PBI node: Constraint is defined on the code property.
  • SPRINT node: Constraint is defined on the code property.
  • TASK node: Constraint is defined on the code property.

User Request

Create an user

Request Info
  • Http Method: POST
  • URI: http://host:port/ScrumGraph/sgrest/users
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Headers: X-ScrumGraph-Header: {"authToken": "token_autogenerated"}
  • Entity Body:
    "name": "Cristian",
    "lastName": "Peña",
    "email": "",
    "password": "asassaddsd",
    "roleDefault": "team-member",
    "isAdmin": false
Response Info
  • Entity Body:
        "status": "ok",
        "errorMsg": "",
        "errorCode": 0,
        "response": {
            "user": {
                "id": 3,
                "name": "Cristian",
                "lastName": "Peña",
                "email": "",
                "roleDefault": "team-member",
                "available": "true",
                "isAdmin": "false",
                "authToken": "eea30a4cec3e24441302331"

Get All Users

Request Info
  • Http Method: GET
  • URI: http://host:port/scrumgraph/sgrest/users
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Headers: X-ScrumGraph-Header: {"authToken": "token_autogenerated"}
  • Entity Body:
    "status": "OK",
    "errorMsg": "",
    "code": 200,
    "response": {
        "users": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "SUPER ADMIN SG",
                "lastName": "SCRUM GRAPH",
                "email": "",
                "available": true,
                "admin": true
                "id": 2,
                "name": "Jimena",
                "lastName": "Rodríguez",
                "email": "",
                "available": true,
                "admin": false
                "id": 3,
                "name": "Cristian",
                "lastName": "Peña",
                "email": "",
                "available": true,
                "admin": false