Homey app to summarize power meters per hour, day and month
- 0
- 2
Gemiddelde prijs hoogst in periode voor tijd
#218 opened by MW236 - 2
Action cards to set energy summarizer pricing
#223 opened by oh2th - 1
X lowest the next x hours (homey)
#212 opened by RohnnyS - 2
Swedish translation
#197 opened by b00lt - 1
#225 opened by MartinvD1 - 1
- 1
Additional price markets
#227 opened by Pjotrvanmourik - 2
#226 opened by HugoPerfors - 8
Variabele gasprijs update niet.
#216 opened by MartinvD1 - 2
- 1
Geldvorig uur
#224 opened by HugoPerfors - 2
kwh this month suddenly negative
#215 opened by screetch82 - 1
Electricity bar graph not updating automatically
#221 opened by ReidarAOL - 4
BTW(VAT) is not added to prices when using TTF_EOD
#217 opened by Platvoetje - 0
Counter Total Returned Energy
#219 opened by gobbe87 - 2
Make Advanced Flows based on price/kWh
#211 opened by AndersSoderqvist - 1
Kwh this hour does not work after update to 6.1.4
#198 opened by Theppan - 4
App disappears
#192 opened by Dome0068 - 0
- 1
Euro sign is always behind the value
#195 opened by Platvoetje - 2
- 0
Running hours
#194 opened by Vetjes - 1
Durchschnitliche Leistungsmessung
#190 opened by NiniJoh - 0
- 1
Wrong day valeu
#159 opened by StaffordBully - 4
Since update invalid length
#166 opened by labarten - 9
Time synchronization
#140 opened by hrikken - 3
New IF-Card proposal...
#137 opened by Riksona7 - 1
Ability to choose capability or repair device to choose capability for given device + setting energy flow direction
#150 opened by shaarkys - 2
tariff is not updated in electricity meter
#157 opened by ypstullibus - 1
Flow card to reset min/max not working
#142 opened by erlendoyen - 1
"Power" indication is incorrect
#158 opened by Vetjes - 0
card Price is X% below average today or next 8 hours
#156 opened by SwedenT - 7
Gas prices are not updated anymore.
#148 opened by jeesnl - 3
- 5
No flowcards
#146 opened by tjarb - 1
Can't get FlowCards to work
#149 opened by fhmattsson - 3
Missing 4 o'clock in the morning
#153 opened by KentTage - 0
Changed from 1 to 3 phase in home
#155 opened by Wittebal - 1
Calculation monthly and yearly consumption is wrong
#152 opened by LecramRed - 2
Gas Graphs are empty
#147 opened by jeesnl - 2
Posibility to ignore negative values
#138 opened by PatrikMihalik - 2
Current price is not updating..
#145 opened by erikdalera - 0
Battery summarizer and ROI calculation
#144 opened by dacootmeister - 2
Love to have
#143 opened by Laszlo1707 - 2
- 1
Change device
#139 opened by andersruneson - 1
Question monthly price
#141 opened by lovegren22 - 1
Homey pro 2023: If/And functions not available
#136 opened by KrtTech