1. Introduction. FitNesse plugin that provides Maven Classpath support. 2. How to use. For the current head (does *NOT* work on fitnesse v20110104!): - Get the latest from fitnesse from git (https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse) and compile with: ant jar - Add the following line to plugins.properties: SymbolTypes = fitnesse.wikitext.widgets.MavenClasspathWidget. - Copy the maven-classpath-plugin-[version]-jar-with-dependencies.jar to the plugins directory of the directory where the fitnesse.jar is located. - Start FitNesse: java -jar fitnesse.jar - Refer to the pom file as follows: !pomFile /path/to/pom.xml. - The plugin will use the test classpath from the pom as classpath in FitNesse. For v20101101 and earlier: - Download the 1.2 distribution. - Add the following line to plugins.properties: WikiWidgets = fitnesse.wikitext.widgets.MavenClasspathWidget. - Copy the maven-classpath-plugin-[version]-jar-with-dependencies.jar to the plugins directory of the directory where the fitnesse.jar is located. - Start FitNesse: java -jar fitnesse.jar - Refer to the pom file as follows: !pomFile /path/to/pom.xml. - The plugin will use the test classpath from the pom as classpath in FitNesse. ** Releases prior to v20091121: - Run fitnesse as follows: java -cp fitnesse.jar:plugins/maven-classpath-plugin-[version]-jar-with-dependencies.jar fitnesseMain.FitNesseMain. (**) 3. How to contribute. - Send patches. - Fork the repository and send pull requests.