Developer, mostly 🦀 and C. 42 alumnus! Making the internet decentralized again @Maidsafe!
grumbach's Following
- hackermondev10.0.0.1
- mickvandijkeDutchBits
- nicolhaq
- dan-da
- zloirock
- openai
- jacderida@maidsafe
- RolandSherwin@maidsafe
- SegFault42
- arnaud-devops
- maidsafeGlasgow, Scotland
- iancolemanMelbourne
- davidrusu
- dirvineMaidSafe
- S-CoyleGlasgow, Scotland
- lterrail
- vsteffen42 school
- kuba--
- dennwcTallinn
- creachadair@tailscale
- Relkondo42
- marisgrinbergs
- gnebieqarnot
- arobion42
- nendekParis, France
- mmazurkiWork in progress
- spolowy
- kikoane42
- MaoKoFrench/Paris
- uael@google @42school
- Ne02ptzeroParis
- gbourgeoParis
- gnebie
- stmartinsParis
- hmassonnVirgo Supercluster, Milky Way Galaxy, Solar System, Earth
- rfulopHome