ARGH is a simple stress test / benchmarking tool for http web applications/services. It uses a Boo DSL to define the tests to run, and outputs error counts, concurrent connection counts and requests per second.
As example of the DSL is:
Iterations = 1
RequestConfiguration "Get Request":
method @Get
url "http://localhost:40965/test"
no_cache true
headers {
Testing:"my value",
AnotherHeader:"another value"
RequestConfiguration "Manual Form Post":
method @Post
url "http://localhost:40965/spark"
no_cache true
content_type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
body "testing=qwdqw"
RequestConfiguration "Automatic Form Post":
url "http://localhost:40965/spark"
no_cache true
post_form {
testing:"field value",
anotherTest:"another field value"