- 0
Issues with Node v8 compatibility in new release
#158 opened by ethan-arreya - 1
lodash CVE
#146 opened by mcandre - 0
Global install of grunt-cli not working
#138 opened by bertuuk - 1
- 1
- 0
- 3
can't run Gruntfile.js
#124 opened by zeinabnasser01 - 3
"high" severity vulnerability via liftoff dependency
#129 opened by mcandre - 1
- 0
- 0
"--report-directory" flag ignored by grunt-cli@~1.4.2
#152 opened by roguib - 3
Unexpected Token issue with Magento 1 deploy
#145 opened by marcel-slp - 0
Current doc says "typescript" needs to be installed for TypeScript support, but I believe `ts-node` required as well
#136 opened by soswow - 1
Security warning for liftoff dependency
#135 opened by mcandre - 0
- 1
npm ERR! 409 Conflict: v8flags@~3.1.1
#128 opened by AdamBD - 7
Grunt crashing in Node.js v10
#118 opened by vinitkumar - 0
gruntfile option is part of grunt.option.flags()
#126 opened by henryruhs - 3
bad option: --force on Node 10
#125 opened by Uko - 2
- 1
grunt not working on nodejs v10.6.0
#119 opened by binbin666 - 1
Errors when installing grunt-cli with npm
#116 opened by Mnaaz - 2
--base and --gruntfile joint usage is unexpected
#112 opened by timolehto - 5
node_modules\.bin\grunt in CMD and PowerShell Errors With a Syntax Error When it Shouldn't
#113 opened by epicstar - 2
Cannot install on node 8.4.0, node-pre-gyp 404 erorr
#115 opened by nathanjd - 3
After upgrading node/npm on OSX I'm getting `Cannot read property 'find' of undefined` when installing grunt-cli
#114 opened by thehashrocket - 2
specify Node.js version to use
#111 opened by ccorcos - 2
buffer encoding conversion is failing
#110 opened by pravi - 2
grunt server says address is already in use
#109 opened by sigmike - 7
can't install grunt OSX el capitan 10.11.5
#108 opened by v3nt - 1
List tasks as json
#107 opened by segrey - 0
- 6
Update nopt
#102 opened by vladikoff - 18
grunt --gruntfile some/path/Gruntfile.js cannot find local grunt since grunt-cli 1.0.0
#101 opened by EtienneMiret - 4
Installing grunt-cli locally and using npm scripts produces warning message
#98 opened by jasonrhodes - 5
Random Segmentation Faults with Node v5.9.0
#97 opened by m99coder - 1
Deploy project on live server
#96 opened by developerrajtomar - 3
- 1
Update dependencies
#92 opened by phun-ky - 7
Consider changing messaging regarding installing grunt-cli globally as best practice
#90 opened by MylesBorins - 1
#76 opened by shannonmoeller - 2
please, create a new release
#78 opened by PavelPolyakov - 1
Change all shell script to JavaScript
#79 opened by stevemao - 3
Release a new version of grunt-cli
#85 opened by paladox - 1
- 1
Install Grunt CLI Locally - For Purposes of a Build Server Missing grunt.cmd
#84 opened by liambennett - 1
Update findup-sync
#89 opened by kuboosoft - 1
link 'please read this' is incorrect on .
#87 opened by imme-emosol - 0
- 1
karma unit-test
#75 opened by mohanr