
Utility for packaging binary and source files of KioSPHERE

Primary LanguageShell

General Description

archio is a small bash utility that gets the certain version of KioSPHERE and wraps it into a package that consists of a set of archives that can be transmitted for further distribution, maintenance or storage. The archives contain both sources and binaries of the product. The sources are fetched from Git repository, while the binaries of built components are downloaded from Bamboo server.


archio is being developed and tested under Linux. As archio is basically a bash script, the quite common set of dependencies make it possible to run the program on many platforms. Make sure the following components are installed in your environment:

  • GNU bash
  • Zip
  • GNU Wget


The list of available script parameters is the following (required parameters are italicized):

  • -pv, --product-version=VER Indicate version of KioSPHERE that will be packed into archives. Defaults to version 1.5.9.

  • -b, --build-number=NUM Specify the Bamboo build number for indicated version. Defaults to 0.

  • -u, --user-name=NAME User name of your Bamboo account.

  • -p, --password=PASS Password of your Bamboo account.

  • -ca, --combined-archive Produce another archive that includes both sources and binaries.

  • -cu, --clean-up Remove 'bin' and 'src' folders that were created during the archives composition.

  • -d, --destination=PATH The path where the dir with the output archives will be created. Defaults to current dir.

  • -cl, --compression-level=NUM Define the level of archive compression, a value between 0 and 9. 9 is the highest level. Defaults to 9.

  • -v, --version Show version.

  • -h, --help Show current help section.


Produce the package with KioSPHERE 1.5.9 build 15 and remove fetched source files:

archio -pv=1.5.9 -b=15 -u=me -p='my-favorite-complex-pass!&^*$$$' -cu

Produce the package with KioSPHERE 1.5.9 build 14 that among other files includes a single archive with both binary and source archives, while all of the archives aren't compressed:

archio -pv=1.5.9 -b=14 -u=you -p='anotherpass' -ca -cl=0