CDFA to DCSS interface

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CDFA DCSS Interface

The serverless application connects the CDFA Cannabis Licensing System to DCSS. This README intends to provide instructions to setup a developer machine to run unit tests and deploy the application to AWS.

Source code structure

The following describes the source code organizational structure and naming conventions used for this project.

  • src -- All the source code for this project is stored within this directory.
    • api -- The source code for the APIs is located here.
      • status -- The Lambda and supporting libraries for the status API will have status in the name.
      • action-taken -- The Lambda and supporting libraries for the action taken API will have action-taken in the name.
    • export -- The source code for the export (to DCSS) functionality is located here.
      • action-taken -- The Lambda and supporting libraries for the action taken export will have action-taken in the name.
      • action-taken-stats -- The Lambda and supporting libraries for the action taken statistics export will have action-taken-stats in the name.
      • outgoing-sftp -- The Lambda and supporting libraries for exporting the flat files to the DCSS sftp server will have outgoing-sftp in the name.
    • import -- The source code for the import (from DCSS) functionality is located here.
      • delinquency -- The Lambda and supporting libraries for the monthly delinquency import will have delinquency in the name.
      • daily-release -- The Lambda and supporting libraries for the daily release import will have daily-release in the name.
    • util -- This directory contains reusable libraries that are shared across functional areas.
  • test -- This directory contains all unit and integration tests for the source code. The test naming convention will follow the source code followed by .test.js for example src/util/encrypt.js has a corresponding test located at test/util/encrypt.test.js. Test resources are also stored along side the test files. For example some delinquency import files are stored at test/import/delinquency-import-test-1.txt. The test resources will end in the .txt suffix.


  • Install GitHub App or favorite git client (https://desktop.github.com/)
  • Install node.js v6.10.3 (needs to match AWS Lambda version) and npm (https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
    • node -v to verify installation and version
  • Install AWS CLI (https://aws.amazon.com/cli/)
    • aws --version to verify installation
  • Configure AWS CLI
    • Create a user and access tokens for unit tests and deployment
    • Run aws configure and enter in access tokens
  • At the root level of this project call the following command to setup the libraries
    npm install 

Running the tests

Unit tests prerequisites

  • Create the following buckets with read/write/delete privileges for the user created above
    • dcss-local-test-action-taken-export-bucket
    • dcss-local-test-daily-release-import-bucket
    • dcss-local-test-delinquency-import-bucket
  • Create the following dynamoDB tables with read/write/delete privileges for the user created above
    • dcss-local-test-dcss-table
      • primary key id
      • add index ssnHash-index on partiion key ssnHash
      • add index stateIdHash-index on partition key stateIdHash
    • dcss-local-test-action-taken-table
      • primary key agencyCustomerId with sort key timestamp
      • add index actionTakenDate-index on partition key actionTakenDate
      • add index actionTakenMonthYear-index on partition key actionTakenMonthYear
  • Create a kms encryption key with the alias dcss-local-test-key
    • Allow the user created above 'User' permissions of the key

Running the tests

Running the tests with Jest

npm test

To run one test use the Jest command

jest {path to the test}


jest test/util/action-taken-service.addRecord.test.js


Environment variables

  • Environment -- The environment to deploy to example (dev, test, prod)
  • HashKey -- The hash key to be used to hash ssn and stateId for searching. This can be something like 'TESTING' for dev and testing. For production use a real hash key. Example a5a3a27a38ef849dc9016b2ed020c35d. DON'T LOSE THIS FOR PRODUCTION!!
  • AwsUsGov -- Should be aws-us-gov if running this stack on a non gov cloud AWS you can use aws
  • SftpHost -- The sftp host for dcss or a test sftp host for dev/test.
  • SftpUser -- The sftp user for dcss or a test sftp user for dev/test.
  • SftpPassword -- The sftp password for dcss or a test sftp password for dev/test.

Deployment commands

  1. Package and upload to s3
    aws cloudformation package --template-file template.yml --s3-bucket {s3 bucket name} --output-template-file packaged-template.yaml
    aws cloudformation package --template-file template.yml --s3-bucket dcss-dev-deployments --output-template-file packaged-template.yaml
  2. Deploy using CloudFormation.
    aws cloudformation deploy --template-file packaged-template.yaml --stack-name dcss-{env} --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameter-overrides Environment={env} HashKey={hashKey} AwsUsGov={aws || aws-us-gov} SftpHost={dcss ftp host} SftpUser={dcss ftp user} SftpPassword={dcss ftp password}
    aws cloudformation deploy --template-file packaged-template.yaml --stack-name dcss-dev --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameter-overrides Environment=dev HashKey=TESTING AwsUsGov=aws-us-gov SftpHost=grayquarter.brickftp.com SftpUser=jt@grayquarter.com SftpPassword=c@nn@b15