
A map application where users can leave messages with their location.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Guest Map

  • App detects users location (from browser or IP)
  • Guests of the website can leave a message
  • A pin will be added to the map with the users location and message


  • create-react-app
  • Install react-leaflet: https://github.com/PaulLeCam/react-leaflet
  • Get a map on the page!
  • Get the users location
    • with the browser
    • with their IP using an API
  • Show a pin at the users location
  • Show a form to submit a message
    • when form is submitted - POST /message
  • Setup server with create-express-api: https://www.npmjs.com/package/create-express-api
  • Add monk and joi
  • POST /messages
    • latitude
    • longitude
    • name
    • message
    • datetime
  • When the page loads get all messages
    • GET /messages
  • Add pins to the map
  • Click a pin to see the message
  • Refactor React app
    • seperate components
    • seperate file for API requests
    • seperate file for Location requests


  • Allow user to drag pin
  • Login
  • Users have their own guest map with their own markers and unique URL