
Internet banking service based on Node/Express.js , PostgreSQL and Angular

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


responsive web app

Internet banking SPA, which allows user to: Deposit, withdraw money, transfer money between user's accounts, process domestic and external transactions, add custom transactions, hide transactions from list, export specific transactions details to .pdf , manage recipients(create/read/update/delete), view statistics (for spendings, accounts etc.).

Admin-panel allows to: View all users list, create/update/activate/block/unblock users, view users details, view users transactions, view all transactions list in system, export specific transactions details to .pdf, view system statistics.


Front-end: Angular 7, TypeScript 3.2, JavaScript ES6, Angular Material Design, Html/CSS, FxLayout.

Back-end: Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, node-postgres client, babel, moment.js, bcrypt.

others: ngx-mask, angular2-notifications, jsPDF, countdown-timer.


  • Clone this repo.
  • Run 'npm install' in the internet-banking-service(root) directory to install Node/Express dependencies.
  • Run 'npm install' in the client directory to install Angular dependencies.
  • Install PostgreSQL on your computer.
  • Run 'npm install --save pg dotenv' to install node-postgres package.
  • Run psql 'createdb bank_db' in console to create postgres database for project.
  • Create .env file in root folder and declare an url to database in it (postgres://{db_username}:{db_password}@{host}:{port}/{db_name}).
  • Run 'node db createTables' in root folder to create all required tables in database.
  • Add "dev-start": "babel-watch server.js" to your package.json under scripts section.
  • Running 'npm run dev-start' in root directory should start your server.
  • Create proxyconfig.json in client directory to skip CORS issues and add the following code into:
        "secure": false,
  • Edit "start" to "ng serve --proxy-config proxyconfig.json" in client/package.json under scripts section.
  • Start Angular app with 'npm start' in client directory using another terminal.
  • Voilà ! Our application is working on http://localhost:4200/ and server is working on http://localhost:3000/


  • Implement activation of users account by admin
  • Count commission before processing transaction from savings account
  • Code refactoring: split app to separate modules
  • Code refactoring, typescript typings (no implicit any limit)
  • Rewrite backend using Typescript (ev. Nest.js)
  • Improve user interface
  • Create bank logo