
GameHub realtime multiplayer games portal

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Multiplayer game portal written in VueJS that let's you play realtime javascript/canvas games built with my own 2D game engine. It uses a MySQL database and Socket.io for the realtime communication between the clients.

Currently live at: https://game-hub.gryp.dev

It has the following features:

  • 3 playable games as of today (Pong, Volley, Jumper)
  • Experience/rank based matchmaking
  • Configurable game settings before each game (game speed, game length and other parameters)
  • Configurable game controls and audio settings
  • Touchscreen and keyboard controls
  • Personalizable user profile (avatar, bio...)
  • Realtime chat in the lobby
  • User statuses

Notable folders

/server - contains the server side logic

/src - contains the VueJS client side logic

/games - contains the games files


The frontend configuration file containing the API server URLs is located in


The backend development configuration file containing the database configuration and other application/game parameters is located in


Project setup

Configure the database parameters, CDN url, application port... and then run the following commands:

Install the dependencies

npm install

Creates the database tables and inserts seed data in development mode

npm run sync-models-dev

Create the database tables in production mode

npm run sync-models

Builds the frontend assets in development mode

npm run build-dev

Builds the frontend assets in production mode

npm run build

Runs the API in development mode

npm run start-dev

Runs the API in production mode

npm run start

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint