- This code detects cyclic dependecies in DNS zones
- It takes as input DNS zone files
- First developed by @gmmoura and @seb-at-nzrs, from SIDN Labs and InternetNZ.
- Significantly improved by all contributors
- Check cycleHunter.pdf to see more about its architecture and how it works
- Clean your resolver's cache before running CycleHunter
To analyze a full zone, you can use CycleHunter.py
as below
python CycleHunter.py --zonefile <ZONEFILE> --origin <ORIGIN> --save-file <FILE_TO_SAVE_AFFECTED_DOMAINS> --base-dir <BASE_DIR> --workers <WORKERS>
is the file with the zone you want to analyzeORIGIN
is the zone represented by theZONEFILE
is a JSON file that in the end will have the list of domains affected by full cyclesBASE_DIR
is the base directory used to write the intermediate filesWORKERS
is the number of parallel works that will use to send queries
wraps all the steps below, but if you still want to run them by hand, the process is:
- Extract all NS records from the zone file
python largeZoneParser.py $zonefile $TLD $output1
- e.g:
python3 largeZoneParser.py /var/cache/bind/com.zone .com com-nses.csv
- e.g:
- Query these NSes, and output those that timeout into
python CyclicDetector.py $output1 $output2
- Scrutinize each timed out NS, either parent or child, and see if which ones are really cyclic dependent into
python findCyclicDep.py $output2 $output3
Note: $output3 is a json file with 3 categories of dependency.
is the one very bad, but the other two can quickily becomefullDep
- Get only the fully cyclic dependent ones from
python fullDepParser.py $output3 $output4
has the zones that are cyclic dependent. These are likely parent zones of NSes
Determine how many zones are affected by cyclic dependency
python zoneMacher.py $ouput4 $zoneFile $TLD $output5
- Alternative version for com :
has all domains affected by cyclic dependency
docker build -t sidn/cyclehunter --no-cache .
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data --rm sidn/cyclehunter pypy3 CycleHunter.py --zonefile /data/org.txt --origin ".org" --save-file /data/org-final.out --base-dir /data --workers 6
or to run specific step within the container as per the general instructions:
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data --rm sidn/cyclehunter pypy3 findCyclicDep.py /data/$output2 /data/$output3
apt install python3-tqdm python3-multiprocess python3-dnspython
pip install async_lru