
Integrated Software Engineering Stack

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Integrated Software Engineering Stack

The following is the common integrated software engineering stack I use for my own projects. The following are some of its components:

  • Virtual Machine Automation (Vagrant)
  • Configuration Management (Ansible)
  • Security Components and Settings
  • Containerization (Docker)
  • PerlBrew
  • local::lib and cpanfile
  • Deployment State Management (dest)

Starting and Using

Install Vagrant and VirtualBox. Then clone or copy this repository. From the root of this repository, do the following:

cd vagrant/configs/tauntaun # or select a different configuration from the "configs" directory
vagrant up

This will run through the virtual machine build, installing Ansible, and executing the appropriate playbook/roles. As part of this, Docker will may be installed, and then possibly some number of containers will be built.

Auto-Generated Vagrantfiles

The Vagrantfiles located within the configuration directories ~/vagrant/configs are automatically generated via:


To make permanent changes to these Vagrantfiles, edit either:

  • ~/vagrant/build/settings.yml
  • ~/vagrant/build/Vagrantfile.tt

Calling Ansible Directly

Assuming you've selected the "tauntaun" configuration, once the virtual machine is built, you can rerun Ansible with the following:

sudo su -l ansible
cd /host/ansible
    ansible-playbook -l tauntaun -i inventories/all.ini playbooks/all.yml'

Calling Docker Directly

Assuming you've selected the "tauntaun" configuration, you can manually build Docker images with the following:

sudo su -
cd /host/docker/perl
docker build -t perl:1.0 .

To run an image manually:

docker run -it --name cperl perl:1.0 bash

To restart the container:

docker start -ai cperl